T G I F ---- Post EM!
Yep. Another new day. They sneak up on you!
2 gummy vitamins
2 fiber tablets
12 oz crystal light
Plan of attack
Not in stone, of course, I'm not good at this part, that follow-through stuff is for the birds.
1 scoop GNC Whey Protein Chocolate
CC Skim/ice/US cocoa powder
Cottage Cheese
Protein/yogurt shake with frozen berries/ice
64 oz+ of decaf teas, warm and iced
16 oz water, in form of ice in shakes
(32 oz coffee, not counted)
Snacks/munchie monster tamers-
I have celery, sliced cukes, watermelon, cantaloupe all on hand ready to fight the good fight.
Weight today, BAH. Let's just say that scale is about to get kicked down the stairs and out the door. If it weren't for DH who is losing now and weighs in daily too- it'd be gone already.
I had a decent day yesterday, too... but this is going to take a lot more work.
Beth & Bob
Beth's Stats:
HW 313+/SW 298/CW 148-153/GWR 114-151
Bob's Stats:
HW 360+/SW 340/CW 200/GWR 150-175

See- now I knew I wouldn't follow through..
but I tried, just forgot. I've been doing more spring cleaning today, shifted my living room furniture for the third time in two days, got all the laundry DONE, and FOLDED (we're talking at LEAST 7-8 loads that were sitting ina pile, clean, just waiting...)
Combine that with my Juliana the Ferocious beast this morning and the tyranno-toddler that have been climbing all over said furniture... you'll see why I forgot to mess with the blender.
Now, the smallest one is sleeping, and my beasties are having lunch with Spongebob.
I'll be off in a moment to get mine down to a nap, too... it's another longish day, babysitting till 8pm... DH gets home at 8:30pm, and is working 7am-11pm tommorrow... UGH.
3 oz ham, sliced
I've had 32 oz diluted tea, waiting a few more minutes to have the rest of the pot.. (There was about 50 oz total in this batch)
-beth... feeling springish, damnit. MELT snow MELT!!

Cookie dough-
Hey, coulda been a lot worse... I was making them for a new neighbor- thank goodness they're gone now.
About 1/3-1/2 cup total of rice noodles with slight bit of tomato/turkey sauce
1 scoop GNC Whey Protein
8 oz Carb Countdown Skim
8 oz ice

Ok, had my protein bar already.....its only 10:45am. Oh well, comfy pouchy now!!!
I didn't plan a lunch and won't have time to hit the nearest grocery store, so I opted to have a grilled chix sand. - the bun, from MickyD's for lunch. Probably not until 1 or 2, due to late snack! That will still give me about 165-180 calories for dinner. No problem! I'll have 1/2 cup of pork chop, about 145 cals. Then if I want I can have a little coffee w/creamer tonight too!
Feeling a bit tinee...Doctor has me on some low dose birth control pills...which is supposed to stop my hot flashes and finally give me a period...well, the hot flashes haven't stopped, but guess what I'm having my first period in over a year and I'm not feeling so good...wish I could just lay down with a heating pad, but work beckons.
B = Atkins protein bar
L = planned 3/4c Chicken Curry (Homemade)
D = Dunno? Maybe soup
Only have in 8oz of liquids so far and can start on 16.9oz in about 10-15 minutes.
343/330/???-don't care and don't want to know right now/180

Howdy Y'all!
Today is like any other day for me...coffee, chicken, fish, cheese..that sort of thing...
However, we are going to the movies this afternoon. I am going to eat popcorn. This is a fact. Ya know what...I am OK with that. I have had several "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy" lately. I am a good person. I eat well, for the most part. I am allowed an occasional mess up/slip up/treat/reward...whatever you want to call it. I am not going to let myself feel guilty for doing and acting like NORMAL people do. I know that I will not be like the majority of folks out there, since my innards are rewired, but dammit! I need a sense of normalcy every once in a while. If it takes a bite or four of popcorn to do it, then so be it! I'll get down now, before I trip and fall off of my box....THUMP..too late...hee hee
Janice Striving to be "normal"..whatever the hell that truly is......
Hey woman,
I eat popcorn at least 2 times a week, not for normalcy as much as "regularity". . .
I won't flame you woman.
And when I go to the movies I get extra butter. I'm a well behaved girl most of the time, so occasionally I get indulgences. About this one particular one: I have no guilt, I have no shame. And 210 fleeting lbs can't be all that wrong can they? That being said, do what you gotta do to get through. I'm certainly not here to judge you lady. I'd tell you if I thought you were way outta line, but on this one, if you're outta line I'm WAY off base
huggles for you,