Caloric intake for fat loss?

(deactivated member)
on 3/15/05 11:54 pm - South of Boston, MA
Something I found online at a website for women... Again, I'm scratching my head. ______________________________________________________________ **Overall caloric intake. For fat loss, aim for about 10-13 multiplied by your bodyweight. This gives you your daily caloric intake. For a 150-lb person, this is: 10 x 150 = 1500 13 x 150 = 1950 So, that means your daily intake of calories should be between 1500 and 1950 calories per day. Divide that by 5 or 6, and you have the total number of calories for each meal. Assuming we're eating the upper limit of 1950 calories daily, and we want to eat 6 meals, that means each meal should be around 325 calories. Now you're probably thinking, "No way! No way can I make a 300-calorie meal!" Well, think about this. A small skinless chicken breast, grilled, is around 150-200 calories. Throw that into a nice salad with a spoonful of olive oil vinaigrette and you have a very pleasant 300 calories. You get 6 of those a day! Pretty sweet deal. By the way, maintenance calories (the calories needed to keep you in a steady state, neither gaining nor losing mass) are around 14-16 x bodyweight per day for an active woman. This will vary depending on the individual. The caloric intake to gain mass is about 15-18 x bodyweight per day. Again, this varies depending on the individual. Activity is a big component of variation. The more active a woman is, the more she requires just to keep at the same weight. Age is also another significant component, as is fat-free body mass. In other words, a 200 lb. person with 10% body fat will likely not have the same caloric requirements as a 200 lb. person with 40% body fat. The second person can drop calories lower than the first person, without initiating an anti-starvation response. If the second person tries to lose bodyfat, she will also likely lose it faster than the first person. Meal frequency. Aim to eat 5-6 small meals daily. This will keep blood sugar levels constant and eliminate cravings. ______________________________________________________________ Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.'
on 3/16/05 1:01 am - Eleva, WI
That was interesting. Wayyyyy more calories per day than I'm allowed!! My doc says 800-900 max!
Dawn C.
on 3/16/05 2:36 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I think that is for "normal" people. My doc doesn't want me eating any more than 1200. I don't think I could unless it was chocolate. Then I would be laying on the bathroom floor with my head in the toilet. I just came from a weight loss lunch 'n learn taught by a dietician. She says to keep our metabolism going you should eat 6 times a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. This is pretty much how I try to eat. I usually don't have the morning snack because I eat breakfast late. But it makes sense to keep your body fueled. I know that alot of our doc's only want you eating 3 meals a day. I think you have to do what works for you. I think after we have gone through this surgery that we are all more in tune with our body, so we have to listen to it. She also showed us how much sugar was in a 12 oz. soda. It looked like at least a 1/2 c. Yuck! Dawn 287/192/165
on 3/16/05 1:55 pm - Twin Cities, MN
It would probably work better for you if you had a basal metabolic study done so you know how many calories your body burns. Anything else is just a guess. Per my body analyst, I have a crazy "high" metabolic rate and it's only 1980 calories. . . . Most people would gain weight eating that much. Huggles for you, ~Lara
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