Diet Rock Star Energy Drink- Review
(part of a post that I just put in my blog)
I've been drinking Sugar Free Red Bull off and on lately, but it can be very expensive, up to about $2 a 8.4 oz can in a grocery store.
Once in a while I pick up one of these instead. I paid $2 for a 16 oz can at a local convenience store. I have yet to see them anywhere BUT this quickie-store.
If you've had WLS and aren't allowed carbonation, caffeine or energy stimulants on your plan, don't drink this.
The taste is sort of like a diluted fresca with a touch of berry flavor. It is carbonated, but not in the nose-bubbling burning fashion like a soda. I've opened a can and let it sit a while to avoid having the bubbles bother me, I'm not a fan of carbonation anymore.
From the website:
From the creators of the 16 OZ Energy Drink category comes the best tasting Diet beverage ever created!
Identical Active Ingredients as Original ROCKSTAR Zero Calories From Sugar - Zero Carbohydrates From Sugar. Sweetened With a Balanced Blend of SPLENDA & ACE K - ASPARTAME FREE.
What's in it?
Taurine 946 milligrams
Guarana 200 milligrams
Caffeine 75 milligrams
Inositol 25 milligrams
Carnitine 25 milligrams
Eleuthero****us Senticosus 25 milligrams
Milk Thistle 20 milligrams
Ginkgo 15 milligrams
Vitamin C 100% RDI
Pantothenic Acid 50% RDI
Niacinamide 50% RDI
Vitamin B6 50% RDI
Vitamin B12 50% RDI
In a 16 oz serving, these values are doubled.
As for the effects- it's all individual. I don't buzz much from this stuff, but it takes the edge off my munchie-monsters
and gives me a sudden urge to get going.
Someday I'll fly, someday I'll soar,
someday I'll be so damn much more than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer

PREGGO? OMGosh! Congrats!
Were you ::gulp:: trying?
I'm waiting on the delayed period from hell right now...!!
The important thing is to strive towards a goal which is not immediately visible. That goal is not the concern of the mind, but of the spirit. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

DEFINITELY was NOT trying! Using condoms AND spermicide and had been bugging DH to get a vasectomy for six months. I pretty much became a zombie from the shock and depression. I am doing a little better with it now (around 13 weeks along). I was SOOO done having kids and this was supposed to be my year for plastic surgery. I feel guilty for being so selfish when so many have such a hard time getting pregnant but it has been very difficult.
Hope your friend comes to visit soon!