Health tips from Kashi
Health Tips- from some apply to us, some may not...all are good!
-beth (toddler sleeping in lap....
? When eating out beware of the large portion sizes. Eat half and take the rest home for lunch the next day.
? Order salad dressing on the side so you can control dressing distribution. Some dressings contain more than 150 calories per 2 Tbsp serving and many restaurants love to load it on!
? When eating out with a friend, order a salad and split the main course. That way you won't feel guilty about having dessert!
? Avoid unlimited refills of sodas. Switch to water after your first round (or better yet, begin with water) - it isn't worth the empty calories!
? When you splurge on fast food, avoid the temptation to "Super-Size". Save the 25 cents and 360 extra calories!
? No pain, no gain, right? Wrong! Pain during exercise is a warning sign of strain and overuse. Exercise moderately and consistently and you'll be doing more good than harm.
? Keep up with the dog on your next walk instead of choking him back. You'll burn extra calories and so will Fido!
? Wear your running shoes to your child's soccer practice, so you can walk the field instead of sitting for an hour.
? When you know your load will be bearable, walk to the grocery store instead of driving.
? New to working out? Start small, with a 10-minute daily walk. Add five minutes per week and you'll be walking yourself to better health in no time.
? Give yourself an oil change! Instead of using "vegetable oil" to make salad dressings, use heart healthy olive or canola oils instead.
? Look for snack options that are made without any partially hydrogenated oils, the main source of artery clogging trans fat.
? Don't skip breakfast. People who skip breakfast have higher BMIs, higher calorie intake and lower fiber intake than those who eat cereal for breakfast daily.
? Go nuts! Snack on a small handful of almonds and walnuts. Both are rich in monounsaturated fat, which is know to favorably affect cholesterol levels.
? When you reach for that afternoon snack, ask yourself, "Have I eaten enough fruit and vegetables today?" If the answer is no, skip the vending machine.
? Don't be afraid to give yourself garlic breath. Garlic has naturally occurring substances that may help reduce cholesterol levels.
? Experiment with new foods. There's a world of vegetables (especially dark green leafy ones) that you've probably never even tried.
? Eat a breakfast cereal made with whole grains and that has at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.
? Throw some cooked garbanzo or kidney beans on a freshly tossed salad to add a fiber boost to your meal.
? Don't forget to splurge on your favorite food once in awhile. After all, you only live once, right?
? Be brave and try soy milk on your cereal in the morning. It's packed with soy protein, which can help lower cholesterol levels.
? Try a veggie burger. Come one, don't be afraid, they're actually pretty good now.
? Add some heart healthy avocado slices to that burger.
? Go outside, take a deep breath and realize how beautiful this place is. If it's not beautiful where you are, then go somewhere that it is.
? Make a fitness buddy so you have someone that won't accept your excuses for not exercising. And you can return the favor to them.
? If you're not in a hurry, pick a parking spot at the opposite end of the mall so you have to walk to your desired store. No we're not joking!
? Take the stairs instead of the elevator. We know you've heard this before but do it this time!
? When you're at the grocery store, shop around the perimeter first. As a rule of thumb, that's where the staple foods are and the junk foods tend to be in the middle.
? If possible, don't shop on an empty stomach or you're likely to end up with a cart full of junk. A cart full of junk leads to a body full of junk.
? Don't obsess over a fraction of a calorie. Choose nutritious foods and enjoy every calorie they provide.
? Before you go for seconds at the dinner table, let your food settle for 10 minutes. If you're still hungry (which you probably won't be), then get seconds.
? When they ask if you'd like white rice or brown at the restaurant, choose brown once in a while.
? Beware of fake whole grain breads. Look for the word "whole" in the ingredient list in front of the type of grain. If it just says "wheat" and also lists caramel color, chances are you've spotted a refined fake.
? Try to get an extra 14 grams of fiber per day, it has been shown to reduce your daily calorie intake by 10%.
? Remember, the recommended serving size for meats is 3 ounces, or about the size of a deck of cards.
? A serving size of peanut butter is 2 tablespoons, or about the size of a golf ball.
? A serving size for real cheese is 1 ounce, or about the size of your index finger.
? Go fi****ry to eat at least 2 fish meals per week, especially fatty fish like salmon. They are rich in omega-3 fats that have numerous heart benefits.
? Cut up a bunch of your favorite fruits and put them in a big bowl on the dinner table for the whole family. They're packed with nutrients and fiber and make a great dessert!
? Eat the vegetables on your plate first. They're packed with fiber, which will help you feel fuller longer.
? Try to include whole grains at every meal. Try a new grain this week, quinoa for example. It's the fastest cooking whole grain (only 10 minutes!) and has a nice delicate texture.
? Use fresh herbs when you're cooking, they're big on flavor but low on calories. Fresh basil leaves work great in mixed green salads.
? Try eating smaller meals more frequently. Aim for 6 smaller meals per day instead of 3 big ones. It's still the same amount food but it can help balance your blood sugar levels better.
? Aim for eating a combination of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. 1 whole piece of fruit, 1/2 cup of berries, 1/4 cup dried fruit, 1/2 cup of raw or cooked vegetables are each considered one serving.

I went out to lunch today with my sister. We split salmon, baked potato and mixed vegies. She also got a bowl of soup and had a roll, I had a small bite of my roll. I had 2 big bites of salmon left, I only took one bit of my potato. It worked out perfect. I love finding someone who will split a meal with me.