For Beth....
I was thinking of you recently. A while back I recall a vent from you about finances and being a stay at home mom. I'm a SAHM to 2 boys (6 & 2) and a parttime college student. Like you I've been trying to find some way to bring in more income without putting the kids in daycare (as if I could even afford that! LOL) In January someone on one of the other boards here suggested a work at home job that she was doing. I contacted the website and registered but they weren't looking for new associates last month. They just contacted me last week and I had my phone interview on Friday. I'm pretty excited about this. It looks like an opportunity to make a couple of hundred dollars on weekends and at night after the kids are in bed. I hope to start next weekend, right now I'm completing the online training (instead of studying for midterms...oops!). I don't get anything for referring you so nothing to gain here - just thought you would be interested in finding out more. Email me if you want the website, etc...

Hey, I'll take a gander at anything... email the linkage. TYVM.
'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice.
'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another.
However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.'

Hey guys, I'm having a problem trying to figure out how to email any of you directly since I don't have your email addresses's a response I typed to someone who did manage to email me directly about this. Sorry if I'm breaking any rules...I guess someone will let me know!
I'm glad to share the info with you. The company is called West. The website is The job is taking incoming phone calls where people are calling to order products from infomercials or other kinds of ads that they've seen on tv or in magazines. West hires out telemarketing services to lots of small businesses. As far as I can tell they don't have any big main offices were agents take the calls, all of their agents are independent contractors. To sign up go to their website and you can look at the faq's and register. You have to complete a "survey" that basically is checking to see if you have the kind of personality that would work for this kind of job. Next, when they are hiring and they seem to be now, you will do a 10 minute phone interview. If the interview works out then you are allowed to take their online training, about 6 modules that I've almost completed since Friday (while being home with the kids). Once you complete the initial training they do a background check then it appears you set up your schedule and are ready to go. The project that I've been hired to start is weekends only but I understand that once I'm hired I will be given opportunities for other projects. You can set up your schedules in 30 minutes blocks and they are open 24 hours a day.
The pay is for time spent on each call, not time spent logged in. The pay seems to vary slightly from project to project but I was quoted $.17/minute for the initial project. Not getting rick quick BUT more than I could make at Publix or Target without any driving and can do it from home while my kids sleep at night or in the mornings while the little one is in preschool, etc... The only requirements are either DSL/cable or two phone lines. The calls will come in through your phone line when the company routes a call to you and you have to have an internet connection at the same time. You also need to buy a phone that has a headset (can be bought for about $30) so that you have your hands free for typing while you take calls. You don't need any of that until you're ready to start work and have already been hired.
I have hopes of starting work next weekend once my background check is completed, so I don't have much real first-hand experience yet but the other lady from OH said that she had been doing this for a while and it was great.
Let me know if you have any questions and how this works for you!