Well, the scale finally moved down two (2) pounds this week - that's an entire two (2) pounds since October of 2004. I've been seeing a new doctor (endo) for some of my issues (outside of WLS). He is an endo with specialty in pcos, hives, and ivf. Well, we are NOT trying to get pregers so we ruled the ivf out real quick. he ran a bunch of tests on me, and gave me a script for many different blood panels (thinks it is partly hormonal)....he also said that i have something called idiopathic edema (which means my fat cells instead of retaining only fat also retain lots and lots of fluid)....he was happy i had the surgery but said if we had found this out prior to the surgery - i probably wouldn't have needed it....seems that i'm carrying a lot of fluid in my fat cells.....strange thing this idiopathic edema....makes you look obese but it is really fluid....
I followed a friends advice and when i met with the endo originally i took a photo of me from 8 years ago and one from the day before my surgery - just to show him that i have not been large my entire life. it was so wonderful to hear a medical professional respond to me that it was not all in my head, i had gained weight without consuming massive quantities of food and that the hives are not just stress related...they in fact have a medical reason. He prescripbed some meds for me to start before he gets the blood work results, he said i should start seeing a weight loss now and that i should continue to see loss - my fat cells should start releasing the fluid....
Just had to share this.....i finally updated my profile with the rest....i want to thank everyone here for their support this past have all been wonderful and hopefully now, i will start reaping more benefits from this wonderful surgery......
Open RNY
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

Wow- what a oddity that edema! I'm glad you're starting to get it figured out!
This must be a huge relief.
B e t h
when it rains it pours
and opens doors
and floods the floors
we thought would always keep us safe and dry
HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 149 GWR- 114/151
Email- [email protected]
IM- bethlbutterfly

HI Yvonne, not sure if you remember me, but we had surgery on the same day, same doctor....
sorry to hear about all your trouble, but SO glad to hear that they have actually figured out the problem....
BTW, You look great in your photo.....have you made your one-year return app't yet???
best wishes,
Hey Rebecca - yes i remember you - i've read your profile often and wondered how you were doing. I've seen that your weightloss has been GREAT and i'm so happy for you....Thanks for the comments on the photo...everyone keeps telling me i don't look like i weight 238 but i do...
i've finally gotten some help - didn't want to see dr. k and not have lost more weight - it was just hard finding the right doc...becca kept telling me not to worry and just stop eating...guess she just really doesn't understand.
anyway, the scale is moving and the new meds are helping a great deal - today alone i've lost another 5 pounds. i know that it is jus****er but guess what - that's a large portion of my problem, seems my fat cells are filled with water not fat.
i feel like a drain plug has been pulled and i'm gonna wash away...doc said it could be close to 30 pounds before my 1 year appointment that i loose in water alone. i'm looking forward to th at - we'll see if it happens - i've been disappointed so many times this past year.
I haven't schedule my appointment yet...i figured i'd call in a week or two. have you scheduled yours....i hope things are going great for you - from your profile sounds like things are going well.
hope to talk to you soon - would love to run into you at btc... best of luck....god bless.