We're all going to regain at least HALF of our FAT back?!
Doesn't it though?!
We NEED that anger/frustration to get our juices flowing to do a good job at this. We NEED to vent/move/get on with life.
I said last week, if I could just bottle up that feeling I get when someone makes me truly angry, and utilize it for weight-loss and such... omg! It's so powerful!
PS--- thanks.... now to tackle the pile of emails in my inbox from posting this article stuff on the main board! Uh oh....
Hey a phrase comes to mind of DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER!!!! I just found the article and couldn't believe it when I read it. I too am not going down without a fight. I just thought it might be thought provoking and motivating for some of us who are having a hard time. It certainly put things in perspective for me, and I intend to work that much harder.
not gonna say nunthin no more