lostest april loser award goes to...........
Classy Ma. it has to be. sunday i'm officially 10 months and i'm down jus 87lbs. can u believe that?!?. as i look at some of u, u guys are so past me. don't get me wrong i'm lovin' maself an the lost an the fact that i'm still steadily losing, it may not be as much as i want, but i'm losing. every month i weigh it hasn't failed the scale has moved down, down, down. however, i can't help but wonder did i do something wrong in the beginning b/c so many of u have reached the century club and beyond. omg!! i xercise 4-5x/wk, do water, vitamins, protein, protein, protein. i guess i'm jus wondering are their any others here like me who are still in the 80's are am i the only one. LET'S WEIGH IN TO SEE IF I REALLY DO GET THE SLOWEST LOSER AWARD. HOWEVER THIS IS JUS FOR FUN AND WE ALL KNOW THIS IS NOT A RACE FOR ANY OF US. HOWEVER I'M GENUINELY (SP) CURIOUS B/C I DO FEEL ALONE IN THAT I'M STILL JUS IN MA UPPER 80'S AN I'M JUS TWO MONTHS AWAY FROM A YEAR. HIT ME UP. HOPE ALL'S WELL WITH ALL MA SIS./BRO IN APRIL

Well you look simply wonderful. I know it's tough because each one of us tends to lose at different rates. I get angry at myself for overeating sometimes. Yet when I tend to eat more the scales just drop. I don't really know what makes me lose from one day to the next. The scales feel so slow to me these past few weeks. I do know factors of how much one ways in the beginning, metabolism, age, etc...
I weighted in at 339lbs and today I weight at 10months out 182lbs. Not bad considering I'm no spring chicken at 42 speeding towards 43 at an incredible speed. My total loss is 157lbs.
Hiya Classy...
I have no idea on the why's of the weight loss... it just happens, and we're all so different... and none of it makes sense!
I'm 10 months 3 weeks out, and down 149 lbs since surgery day. I'm also now 149... so it's kinda weird,
when it rains it pours
and opens doors and floods the floors
we thought would always keep us safe and dry

hey Beth i have a personal trainer that comes to ma home every morning at 7a.m.. yep Denise Austin she comes on lifetime with two thirty minute workout slots. in the first one which i do b/c i have to be at work at 830 she does plottis (sp), yoga, wt. training, stretching, and cardio. the second 30 minutes is mostly wt traininlg and cardio. but yea she says she's ma personal trainer and i'm taking her at her word
. anywhoo the strangest thing is happening i don't always want to get up an xercise but now it's like i don't feel right in da head or ma clothes unless i get that 30mins in with her, seriously i can't really believe i feel like that but, it's true. me xercise, please, i jus don't have tyme or neither do i want to. but like i said if i don't do it i feel like i've not put ma best foot forward for the dae. it somehow makes me feel sexy
in ma clothes once i get that workout an sweat in an slip on ma clothes yep
i'm good to go. i honestly can't believe i feel that way about xercise either. there's many times i don't want to still, but that feeling that these skinny mama's don't have nothing on me gets ma boat floatin'
. try her out if u get lifetime. i'm telling she does it all yoga, plottis, wt. training and honestly i sweat more with those 3 than i do with aerobics
. sorry so long blessings

AAAAWWW MA, please don't be hard on yourself and feel bad. I don't know why some lose quicker than others, but I know that you are not alone in your plight. Others on other boards are feeling it too. I can put myself in your shoes and understand how you feel.
I don't think that you did anything wrong in the beginning, you are the way you are, you are losing what your body will give up. You look wonderful and I am proud of you. Remember first and foremost love yourself and your body, not only did we have this WLS to look better but for our health and think about how much healthier you are now.
Take care and I hope that you feel better soon, be proud of yourself, you deserve it.
u are so right Mechelle. i am grateful and don't want God to take back his blessings by any means. but for some reason the question just won't stop nagging at me. of course most dayz i'm good but, some days i jus can't figure it out
and the crazy thing is i know there's no definite answer. thanks so much for ur support i really appreciated it
. blessings