It might be real after all. .....
Well, I'm holding my breath! The scales stayed down 2 lbs. I really sort of expected to see them bounce back up this morning but ... dare I dream? Maybe it is a real weight loss!
I'm celebrating with protein and water today !!!!! Nothing like success to motivate you, huh?
Say, do any of you do instant messaging on the computer? I would love to be able to just do a quick check in every now and then in real time. If you're interested in doing that with me, email me with your IM ID and I'll add you to my list and give you mine. I use Windows Instant Messenger.
I get so much support just knowing you guys are here!

I'm so excited today...
WTG... keep it up... I love hearing success... we've had such a low time around here!!
As for IM-- I'm on AOL... bethlbutterfly....
b e t h
'For I was never so small as this before...,' thought Alice.

Don't have aol but I can use Yahoo. It would be cool to have all of us get together for some chat every now and then. I wonder if this site offers the chat room thing. I know we could do a yahoo group that does.
OHHH and btw, way to go Ronda. I'm getting a wee bit jealous these days as this month has not been very good to me. LOL December and January were great so I shouldn't be such a whinny butt ... but...... I still wish the Butt were getting smaller.
Hey Joan,
I'm obviously a little "challenged" here because I am having trouble adding you as a contact to my list. They are asking for an entire email address for you. Not just Joanie3738. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
I'm a stay at home Mommy too and inspiration during the day is what I need. IMO, It's much easier to stay away from snackies when you aren't at home!