OT: Romantic Valentines stories?
Here's mine.....sad, but true.
SO got home about 7:30 last night. I had to take my son to basketball practice at 8:45pm. We ate leftovers and my son made me a card. I gave SO his card and a meersham pipe from turkey he's been wanting. He gave me....nothing.
Picked up son at 10pm. Came home, SO is already in bed, sawing logs. I slept in extra bedroom.
This morning, my birthday, my son (12!) made me another b-day card. SO gave me....nothing. He might go shopping tonight....after he is done with another 13 hour day at work, yeah right.
So, I'm feeling sorry for myself. I can't wait to hear everyone else's valentine stories.
EWW, no fun! ((((Tina)))) You guys need a DATE night!
b e t h
'For I was never so small as this before...,' thought Alice.

:::thinking hard::: Not really.... it's different when you're married, am I right?
We were child-free on Saturday night through Sunday afternoon, so we had a long date...
The "gift" was getting our wedding rings back from the jewelers, we'd both had them shrunk to fit.
As for Valentine's DAY itself, it sucked, because he worked until 8pm... though he actually remembered and brought home a card (one of those HUGE poster-size ones...
and illegal chocolates which are now in the rubbish, don't worry, he didn't "buy" those... they were leftover freebies from work)
b e t h
'For I was never so small as this before...,' thought Alice.

I am a hopeless romantic (unfortunately, I didn't marry one) so I was thinking..... (dangerous, I know).
A really great gift for spouses to give their wives would be 100 roses (or other favorite flower) delivered when she hits that famous 100 lbs lost mark!
I've got all kinds of ideas !
I'm enjoying reading everyone's stories! Keep 'em comin'

Okay, here's mine. Take note I am single and am dating a couple of guys, but one is pulling away from the pack.
Yesterday, at work, he came and brought me a picnic lunch...laid it out in the conference room with a checkered tablecloth and all. I thought that was so sweet. Then knowing I had to work late...he arranged for a friend of mine to let him in my house and had roses, a teddy bear dressed as Romeo, and a wrapped gift all sitting on a blanket in the middle of my living room. The wrapped gift...an open heart suspended from a white gold chain (the heart is white and yellow gold with square cut diamonds on one side and round cut diamonds on the other). Simply beautiful. Also, on the blanket in a thermos was my favorite soup (Won Ton) for dinner.
I spoke with him today and he said since he couldn't have dinner with me on Valentine's Day that he made reservations for us to have dinner at "Napa 29" for next weekend (he knows I am going on a cruise this weekend).
*sigh* isn't he just adorable!