on 2/14/05 9:19 am - New Albany, OH
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted much the last few days. I've been travelling so much - I can't keep up with it. Anyway, I have been on a 5 week plateau. I haven't really made a big deal of it but I am/was just as frustrated as everyone else. Finally, when I weighed in on Sat., I was down 2 lbs. - total miracle. During the 5 weeks, I didn't change much with my eating and was exercising a ton but nothing was happening. I was starting to think that maybe I had reached my set point. But, this weekend proved me wrong. The scale decided to move!! I also hadn't done my measurements for about 8 weeks. I did those this weekend and I was down 6" total. I also started tracking my food everyday - very closely. I found a lot of "a bite" of this cracker or "a couple" of those chips (those are my worst - chips and crackers!!). Two lessons to consider: *be kind to yourself (and your scale); sometimes your body is doing strange things but it will catch up with you if you're being honest. Track your food - every bite and see what you're eating *use other tools - my weight hadn't changed at all but my inches had dropped dramatically. I also tried on a tight size 4 skirt I had in my closet. I hadn't had it on in about 6 weeks. It fit and I had room to breathe. Those were huge motivators even if the scale hadn't moved. I hope this helps. I know it's hard. Just look at what you've done already and know how fabulous you are right where you are. Tandi 246-149-5 lbs to goal PS - I was getting really depressed about the plateau. As soon as I started changing my mind-set, the scale dropped. I decided to focus on what I had accomplished and thought if I don't lose another pound that I'm great. I started thinking how I would have KILLED to look/feel like this one year ago. Just give it a try.
on 2/14/05 9:51 am - WY
Hey Tandi Welcom back and glad to hear you have broke through on your plateau. Thanks for sharing your lessons, I appreciate it. Good things to remember, I definately have to remember to be kind to myself, thanks for the reminder. Congratulations on your weight loss and being 5 pounds away from your goal, awesome. Mechelle 283/168/140
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/05 10:21 am - South of Boston, MA
Thanks, Tandi...... this helps..... beth Happy Valentines' Day! HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 153 GW- 130 http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
J H.
on 2/14/05 10:07 pm - Houston, TX
good for you Tandi. Congrats, Joan
on 2/15/05 12:20 am - Richardson, TX
That's AWESOME Tandi! So happy for you! Thanks for sharing too. You had some really good points! Ronda
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