Fending of the munchie-monster? WDYD?

(deactivated member)
on 2/14/05 12:19 am - South of Boston, MA
Okay gang... I'm working on ending my grazing and snacking habits, I've had a few days of doing well, and I'm feeling that urge today. I'm learning very quickly my triggers, and trying to avoid situations that make me "take a bite" or just have "a taste"... because we all know where THAT leads eventually. :-l I've learned that my biggest trigger situation is during the week, when I am home with the kids. It isn't as bad in the morning as it can get nearer to dinner time, when I tend to lose willpower, and take a bite here and there of whatever I am cooking or I'll just snack. I know I'll be able to cure this when the warm weather can get us outside and away from the food! But, for the next month or two, I've got to keep it at bay. It wouldn't be as hard, but I babysit a toddler 4 days a week, and it's nearly impossible to get him, my 2 year old, and my 1/2 day kindergartener all OUT together during the day for any sort of activity in this weather. So, in the house we are, most of the time, unless I can get them out shopping, pretty much. My second trigger is that later-evening time, when the kids are in bed... and I'm not ready to go to bed....avoiding eating/snacking then is very difficult... but I am better at controlling it then for some reason. Sometimes I'll get on the treadmill...starting chugging bottles of water/tea...and if I am still feeling hungry, I'll eat, but I usually limit it to a protein snack/meal, and then try to get my butt into bed to avoid that carb intake before bed that's ingrained in my head. _____________________________________________________________ What do you do to keep the snacking under control? Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.' HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 153 GW- 130 -160 lbs and counting! http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
on 2/14/05 1:29 am - Eleva, WI
ummm, I haven't been. Thats why I've only lost 84 pounds. My worst time is while I'm chained to my desk at work for 8 hours a day. I stopped allowing carb munchies in my office, period. That helped a lot. I bring my lunch each day and also two string cheese sticks. I have the cheese if I need it as an AM or PM snack. I also make a 64oz container of Crystal Lite each morning when I get to work. I drink on that all morning. If I fini**** before 2pm I make another one and work on it! That helps too. I need to do a carb detox. I quit the diet pop for lent, that helped too. Currently at home my eating habits have not been the best either. Mainly apples, cheese and french vanilla folgers with vanilla creamer. I have to get my butt in gear. Right now the only thing saving me is that I still exercise daily.
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/05 1:58 am - South of Boston, MA
Tina- I can imagine it could be difficult working in an office... not so much with myself, really, but if I had to deal with other people bringing in food/goodies.. I'd be a wreck! At least *here* I have complete control over what food I'm surrounded by, right? WTG on losing the diet soda! I actually started drinking diet root beer again a few weeks ago (after giving it up 10 months ago for surgery), thinking it might quell the cravings for sweets, NOPE ! It actually made things worse, as I started wanting more soda instead of my tea....water. So, I gave it up completely again. Not worth it for me. 84 lbs ain't nuttin' to sneeze at, either... The thing is when I do want to munch, I have to THINK (which hurts my brain ) about what I'm going to eat, I just can't pick pick pick anymore... it's so hard not to do! WTG on the exercising... that's something I still have yet to conquer... I'm very random... in my energies... Though, I did take a nice outdoor walk yesterday, I let the dog drag me down the road... he's an awful walker, I had to run most of the way, he's so heavy and strong!! Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.' HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 153 GW- 130 -160 lbs and counting! http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
on 2/14/05 2:22 am - Richardson, TX
This is my biggest problem too! I'm finding that even when I choose "healthy" protein snacks like nuts (almonds mostly), I'm getting a lot of fat. YUK. I'm so sick of seeing 196 on my scales, I could ! This week, I've decided that when I snack, it has to be veggies. So I bought a bag of those baby carrotts which I like. So far today I've had one large handful of those but no other snacks! I'm really craving popcorn right now - but NO! .... must..... resist... ! Beth, your idea of chugging water or tea is a good one. At least it will make you too full, albiet temporarily, to snack. Taking the dog for a walk (or him taking you for one). Anything to get our minds off of food. My problem is I don't snack because I'm hungry. I just snack - just because - I don't know. I've got to quit! WE"VE GOT TO QUIT!! Maybe when we feel the urge to snack, we go to the computer and post instead? Ronda
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/05 3:29 am - South of Boston, MA
Ronda- And, here I am, again! Thank goodness I'm a somewhat fast typist, otherwise, I'd never leave the keys! It's wild, I have these mad snacking urges, and sometimes I know I'm really truly hungry, but I'm trying to save it for mealtime, because goodness knows I'm not hungry AT mealtimes! So, it's no snacking! I was just upstairs cleaning up, and I was like, "I'm hungry!" I pawed through my basket of protein bars that I keep at eye-level for DH and I, thought about having one, grabbed my tea and came down here instead. I know if I had one, it would get me going for the rest of the afternoon, wanting more STUFF. But, if I wait till supper, EAT a meal for crying out loud, I've succeeded! It's hard! It's 2:30pm now, the true beginning of my witching hour(s).... I've got in a gallon of tea, breakfast and lunch... lemme hold on till dinner, darn it! Oh, same as you, if I DO cave, it's fresh veggies or fruit only. That makes it so so difficult, because I don't "want" to snack on fruit most times, ... Watermelon cured my urge this morning- AND didn't make me sick, so I was content (it's got carbs, but for the teeny amount you actually end up EATING, it's all water...) .... I need to get more cucumbers too... those seem to help... for in between meals, definitely... Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.' HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 153 GW- 130 -160 lbs and counting! http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
on 2/14/05 4:07 am - Richardson, TX
You can do it, Beth! Stay away from the snacks! I have only eaten breakfast today (bran flakes cereal). I have a lot of sinus drainage and I'm not hungry. I should eat some lunch though since it is already 2:00. Maybe some tuna. Hang in there till dinner! You can do it. more later..... Ronda
on 2/14/05 4:35 am - Boca Raton, FL
I've just started battling the munchie-monster. Had surgery last April, same as you, so maybe it's a timing thing. After 8:00 at night is the worst for me. Right now I'm eating grapes when I get really hungry. Or oranges. I'm trying to keep myself on fruit for snacks because the other thing I eat for snacks is Dole Juice bars. When I started I'd only eat one, now I'll eat the whole box, so I can't buy them anymore!! I have to come up with a plan before I slip back into old habits. Jamie S. 4-7-04 RNY Distal 296 - 181
on 2/14/05 9:10 am - New Albany, OH
Beth, Hey. I've been travelling so much that I haven't had much time to post. Congrats on breaking the plateau! I just read about it. I just broke through too but I'll post about that later ... Snacking was becoming a big problem for me. I went back to six mini-meals per day spaced about 2 hours apart. That seems to help b/c I know food is coming soon. Also, you know I'm on WW. I switched from the points plan to the core plan. On core, you eat as much as you need of certain foods. So, with this plan, I can eat fruit, SF FF pudding, popcorn, proteins, veggies, as much as I want. It helps with the snacking b/c I only eat popcorn, fruit or yogurt as a snack. That limits my choices that get me into trouble. (expect today when someone bought me SF candy ... another story/major problem!). At night, I eat strawberries dipped into SF pudding. You can't beat it. I haven't really gotten rid of the snacking. I just limit my choices b/c those chips and crackers SCREAM out to me. Tandi 246-149-5 lbs to goal
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