Weird Wednesday, thankful, and post food here...

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/05 11:55 pm - South of Boston, MA
Let me just say, I'm so glad to have you guys. I made the mistake of posting a reply to a post on the main board, and got a nasty reply for absolutely no reason. Thank you for being kind and supportive here. Anyways- onto bigger and better things, like what in the heck we're eating/doing today! ______________________________________________________________ If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. ~Flavia Weedn, Flavia and the Dream Maker ______________________________________________________________ beth Happy Valentines' Day! HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 154 GW- 130 - Updated daily
on 2/9/05 1:25 am - Richardson, TX
I agree Beth, this board is AWESOME!! Love you too Ronda
J H.
on 2/9/05 2:26 am - Houston, TX, Ash Wednesday...fasting and no meat today...hmm...I am doing great....lots of water, a little coffee to start the day, vitamins, one Atkins shake and eating one scrambled egg for lunch. feeling strong today...I love days like this. will add more later....Joan
Donna Paige
on 2/9/05 2:33 am - Pottstown, PA
I only post on this board because the main board has some regular beeeaatcchhes on it. I love you people here! Besides your going through the same thing that I am. Today can't eat hardly anything. Go figure! One day I can eat about a cup and the next day I can't eat a 1/4 cup. I never understood why. BTW, Beth I heard you guys were gonna get slammed again with the snow. I FEEL BAD 4 you guys but i'm glad it isn't us. LOL!!!!
on 2/9/05 2:41 am - Richardson, TX
Well, it's 12:35 p.m. and I haven't eaten anything yet today. I haven't drank much either - just coffee. I've been a baad, baad girl! I'm not hungry either oddly enough. It's going to be one of those "makeyourselfeatsomethingcauseyouknowyoushould" kind of days. I'm STILL at 195! - UGH! "My weight is nothing more than a number on a scale. I will not be judged by a number. ", right? "I will carefully watch how I eat, when I eat and why I eat. " - oops blew that one this morning... ok, I'm getting back on track for the rest of the day.... Ronda
Donna Paige
on 2/9/05 2:46 am - Pottstown, PA
Ronda, My scales have been acting evil lately too. I keep fluctuating from 189-191 and back again. I was on such a good losing streak there for awhile and then NOTHING! ABOSOLUTELY NADA! Big frickin' brick wall. I needs to throw them there evil scales in the river or burn em or bury them or whatever. They keep calling my name and taunting me. I'm glad support group is tomorrow I need a pep talk. LOL TAKE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just Janice
on 2/9/05 5:47 am - Houston, TX
SIGH!!!! OK, let us just start by saying that I found out this AM that my car needs a new motor...can you say %$#@**&@!!!!!! LIke I don't have any other plans for two grand!!!! I would have really thought that in the face of a crisis, I would have made all attempts to pack it in, until I exploded, to get some food comfort...BUUUTTTT... COFFEE...72 oz, with skim and splenda Breakfast...tried to eat shrimp after I found out about the frickin car, but I couldn't eat... COFFEE..yes, another pot..leaded...full caffeine...with skim and splenda Lunch...tried the shrimp again, made me gag. Going against my Catholic upbringing and teachings, I ate chicken, with cheese, and hot sauce. I am sure my God will understand.....LOL I am planning to have some tea here in a few, and some water to counteract the caffeine.... Dinner...I am going to make a taco salad for the family (hubby i****heran, and kids eat what they are not care for shrimp...) I will have everything but the meat....but, prolly a little extra cheese for the protein...and hot sauce/pico de gallo.... sigh...I am dying here...can I get a kind word from someone? I just can't believe I am having such personal issues (financial) right now, when everything physically is looking up. It always has to be something, doesn't it?!?! Sorry to be blue, but it has already turned out to be one of those years..... Janice
on 2/9/05 6:34 am - Richardson, TX
Janice, So sorry you're blue! Not such a pretty color on your face, is it? You deserve to be happy in all areas! You've been working so hard to get there. It's always a delicate balance isn't it, the physical, emotional, spiritual, financial? Where is that "Life is always fair" guarantee anyway? Look at it this way, 2005 has got to get better! The whole year can't be this bad! You're just getting the yucky stuff out of the way first so you can enjoy the rest of the year! If it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one.....I went to pick up my 14 year old son from a youth group super bowl party and ran into a friend's brand new minivan! YIKES! There's probably about $1000 worth of damage! Oh well, we just took out a loan on our 401k and were going to use it to pay down debt but I guess some of it will have to go to fix their van. So, if the theory "Misery loves company" has any truth to it, you're in good company! We love you, girl. Broke or not! Ronda
Dawn C.
on 2/9/05 6:08 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Well time for my confessions... I was on my way to sign my twins up for kindgergarten next year (boo hoo) and I stopped at Hardees because I had time to kill. Got a egg, ham, cheese biscuit. I think I ate about 2 bites and was about ready to puke. rubber egg and ham plus plastic cheese. Yuck! Waste of $2. So I got back in my van and ate my protein bar like I should have in the first place. mocha - sf swiss miss, 1 T. decaf, 12 oz skim milk lunch - grilled chicken salad: 1/2 c. salad mix, 2 oz chicken. 1/4 pita with about 2 T. hummus. There's a new Mid Eastern restaurant around the corner from work. This could be my new favorite place. Hummus is divine. S - 1/2 c. honey roasted peanuts. I don't even know why I bought them. Contemplating dumping them in the garbage can because I can't control myself. 3 hershey kisses 2 bottles of water. I am going to a support group meeting tonight. I really need it, I am getting so irritated that I am not losing. I did e-mail my doc's P.A. and expressed my concerns. She said it was normal at around 9 months to stop losing for a while. Just keep up the protein, vitamins, water and exercise. I told her "well I can tell you about a bunch of other April 2004ers around the U.S. that are complaining about the same thing." So I am joining the bandwagon of disgusted people today. Janice - Hang in there. You are right if it's not one thing it's another. I paid off my van in Dec. and was so happy to have that extra money. Well at the end of Jan. I had to put $460 for brakes and a master cylinder. So it was like having the car payment again. Seems you never get ahead. And as I said I was registering my kids for school this morning. I have to send them to a catholic school to get full day kindergarten because my district doesn't offer it. Even though they keep raising my taxes. I can't afford to send them to the 1/2 day public school because the childcare for before, afternoon and afterschool would cost more than Catholic school and a before & after school program. Like $4000 more a year! Aren't I just full of irritation today.... Deep breath.... Well off to my support group. Hoping that will make me feel better. Here's to a brighter day tomorrow!!!! Dawn
(deactivated member)
on 2/9/05 8:42 am - South of Boston, MA
WARNING BAD FOOD DAY! I apparently lost control today, while I haven't gone over my calorie/fat goals, (very close, if I eat anything else, I'm over) I blew the carbs out of the water and down the beach! It's true, the impact of carbs on the blood sugar is immediate, and starts the ball rolling for cravings. Ugh, I feel like I should just roll myself into bed and start over. Breakfast- (started out badly) 1/2 slice low carb multigrain bread, toasted (why the hell do I bother? I don't even EAT bread?!?!?!?!) Smart Beat Soy Butter Spray Spread LS Strawberry Jam Coffee/SF cocoa powder/light cream/= 24 oz diluted tea 1 oz soyztels 1 oz pretzels (pretzels must die!) 2 oz turkey 2 Nitro-Tech Bites 1 SF L**** cream sandwich (don't ask) Dinner- About 1/2C total tortellini pasta and meat sauce, veggies, parmesan cheese...dinner for family, but damnit if it didn't go down nicely!! 1 SF L**** cream sandwich (repeat, don't ask) 1 oz pretzels Iced coffee/light cream/= -Beth, disgusted and disgruntled.
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