Freaky Friday- Post your food journals here, please!
Thanks, Ronda---
I got my flops on the treadmill, turned on Barney for her in another room... and turned on MTV, VHI, BET, and then :GASP: CMT... and did 45 minutes, almost completely consecutively! She climbed on once, almost got hurt, and ran away.
So- it was 45 minutes between 4.0mph and three mini spurts up to 5.5mph, the third time I kicked it up and ran, I thought I'd keel over, so I turned it back down,
... I was aiming for a full hour, but as luck would have it, Juliana decided to open a can of root beer... in my bedroom.
'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice.
'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another.
However, I've got back to my right size:
the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.'

Adding to my Friday:
24 oz diluted Arizona No Carb Tea
8.4 oz Stacker Stinger Sugar-free
11 oz Carb Countdown Strawberry Smoothie
(1/2 cup pureed berries, into shake, not liquids, but...)
Next up, in a 1/2 hour or so, is another bottle of tea...
'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice.
'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another.
However, I've got back to my right size:
the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.'
Again, fell off the liquid wagon at dinner-time, but no real damage done.
25 oz dilute tea
2 oz lean roast beef
1 oz mozzarella
2 TBSP chick peas
I have a iced coffee waiting the the fridge, my treat for the day... followed by another bottle of water.
749 calories
24 fats
35 carbs
91 protein
This looks more like a lower fat normal day for me, not a liquids day in terms of total numbers.... but, hey, it's better than I've been doing!
b e t h
'For I was never so small as this before...,' thought Alice.

I started out good, but lost it around 1:00...
Water 12oz
B = Atkins Shake
Water 16.9oz
S = 1/4c Dried Fruit
Water 16.9oz (w/Crystal Light On The Go Lemonade)
L = Power Crunch Cookies & Creme
Water 16.9oz
This is where it went south...I don't know if it was head or actual hunger:
Popeye's 1/2c Cajun Gravy & Mashed potatoes, 1/2c popcorn shrimp...and one stripped spicy thigh meat
Okay I'm officially full...*burp*
Water 16.9oz
(Planned) Water 16.9
D = Dunno

B-carb sense hot cereal 3 ounces
snack-glenny's soy crisps 1.5 servings
Lunch- I was so disappointed today. I bought some stuffed crab at walmart, couldn't wait till I got home to fix it, I was an hour past time to eat I was so hungry. Cooked the crab and guess what? It was mostly stuffing. By this time I was so hungry I still ate it, 2.45 ounces of it. Plus a few greens with it.
Dinner-I'll have my shrimp[ 3 ounces and a small salad
liquids today only about 40 ounces so far and it is 5:00 P.M. already. Shame on me