Pure joy, for a single moment!
BIRDS! I just did a power cleaning- two kids at school, one with MIL... waiting on Jack... getting high on the smell of Simple Green, so I opened a window.... and, it's a friggin miracle! BIRDS singing!
I felt absolute happiness for like, a full minute!
All is well in the world. This is when you know that the funk in your head is truly weather related.
b e t h
'For I was never so small as this before...,' thought Alice.

Woohoo! I know what you mean. Yesterday I took the day off from work to get my Birth Certificate...which meant a drive to central california...I was prepared for fog. But Wow! The day was beautiful.
I met my sister for lunch and while we waited for the restaurant to open (at 11:00) we sat on the tailgate of her truck just chatting in the sun. I could feel myself opening like a flower to the sun...there was just the slightest cool breeze...I could have sat out there all day like a lizard on a rock just soaking up the warmth from the sun.
Spring hasn't sprung yet...but it is so close.