Lovin' It...ladies only please...
I was sitting here posting when I noticed that my stomach started to hurt. It kept on and was getting a little worse when I finally realized, hey I'm having mens. cramps. Weird having cramps with no bleeding. Well as it turns out, I'm having a teeny tiny bit of bleeding.
All this to say , I'm loving the effects of the uterine ablation that I had done in December! In January, I had no period at all and this month, well, I guess this is it! WOW what a difference. I could live with this! Before I had heavy periods lasting 7-12 days every month. My iron counts were even affected.
I would highly recommend this procedure to anyone considering it! It has changed my life!
ronda and friends, going out on a limb here, but I have to......
Uterine Ablation is a procedure where the lining of the uterus is removed permanently by laser or electrosurgery.
Ablation is an alternative to a hysterectomy for many women with heavy bleeding who want to avoid a hysterectomy. After having ablation a lot of women have lite or no periods.
Since ablation destroys the lining of the uterus, this procedure is not for anyone who wants or may want a baby in the future. Women are usually "infertile" after this because there is no where for the developing fetus to attach within the uterus(so you really ARE STILL fertile it is just that if a baby were concieved it would abort because your uterus can no longer support a life). Don't let a doctor tell you otherwise.
This procedure is stressed to be only an alternative to a hysterectomy.
My doctor brought this up to me...and I don't even have heavy periods...also we are open to life...whatever God blesses us with is okay by us.
Just wanted everyone to know what they are getting into, Joan
Your description is absolutely correct. I did explain that in my email to the ladies interested. In my case, it didn't matter. I'm 43, hubby 52 and he's been, shall we say, ummmm... neutered? In fact, I wanted a hyterectomy but my doctor wouldn't do it since my uterus was otherwise healthy.
Thanks for the additional information.
Thanks to Beth too... at least now I know I'm walking around with a hostile
uterus! LOL