Good morning
Hi everybody. Just wanted to share my morning thoughts with you guys this Saturday morning. I am very happy with myself for a great week of eating...I for one have fallen off the wagon more than once and am guilty of NOT jumping back on immediately. But, this week I recommitted myself to eating right and losing this last 33 pounds (actually after this week it is just 25). So, I am very thankful. Journaling all my food intake has really helped me as well as setting the timer at each meal for 15 minutes (no lingering eat a whole bunch meals for me) has REALLY helped me. I go see my Dr. next Thursday (in fact Janice and I should run into each other there) and I pray that visit goes well. I know he is going to dole out some comments that may not be easy to hear, but he will only be telling the truth basically that I have not done as well as I know I could have been doing all along.
Don't get me wrong...I am doing soooo much better mentally than I was week before this......oh my goodness, it was all coming to a head. I am definitely in a more positive space now and am thankful to God for getting me here once again. I know it is going to take work to stay here, but I am sure I can do it.
Hope all this rambling doesn't turn you guys off...but sometimes I just have to say things out loud or write them in this case.
BTW, I only have one more pound to lose to join the Century Club!!!! WOO exciting is that?!!
Have a fantastic and blessed weekend ladies, Joan
Glad to hear you're doing well... good luck at your check-up!
I don't go again until my one-year, and I have this feeling that I'm going to be still at this weight! I went to my nine-month visit at this weight, and it's almost ten months now, at the same weight, even if I've seen four lbs come and go...
Although, she *did* ask if I was done losing weight.... but I said "HELL NO!"
I think she cursed me.
I know I shouldn't complain, I have really done well compared to what I thought I'd do- I swore I'd never get under 200 lbs! Oh well. It would be a lot easier to deal with if I didn't still feel huge, KWIM? I'm not done!
'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice.
'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another.
However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.'
HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 155+ GW- 130

You bet your bippy I'll see ya at the appt!!!!
I, too, have began journaling my food. Well, at least since yesterday...LOL
Time for this wagon we are all on to start hauling butt, girlfriend!!! Am I reading right? 8 lbs this week? You GO GIrl!!! You'll be in the Century Club in one lb? You ROCK!
Please, ramble all you want...we know how you feel and many of us are in the same place you are! It helps to talk to others, and we are here for one another!
Have a great weekend and don't be a stranger! See Ya Thursday!