howdy from a newbie
Hi everyone, my name is Joan and I also had surgery in April 2004. My friend, Janice, just told me about this list yesterday so I wanted to introduce myself. I started this journey at an all time high of 280 pounds. My wieght at the time of surgery was 254 lbs.. I am now at 156 lbs..
I am enjoying your thoughts and ideas and am thankful to have some buddies in the same boat.
This has definitely been an interesting journey.
I am not exactly what to I am open to any questions you all would like to ask.
Joan (aka JH)
MS. JOAN!!!!!!!
I am soooo happy you decided to come here. These people are WONDERFUL! They are not shy about answering questions...for proof, please reference past posts about boobies and butts..LOL
Whenever I am feeling funky, like today, I know I can come here and have a good laugh...not to mention some genuine encouragement! Everyone here is going at their own pace...some are quicker than others, some slower, but we are all going thru this together!!!!
Thanks for coming..I have been looking for ya!!!

I have been hanging out....doing well for 4 1/2 months and not doing well for the other 4 1/2 months.....kind of slipping into a semi depressed funk. I finally reached out and contacted janice and now I am doing much better. I went and met some of my support group girls Tuesday and that REALLY helped..I had forgotten the help a group can give.
Like I told "special" gift is pushing away....when you don't hear from me...something is up.
I had even stopped attending our monthly support group meetings for the last 3 months.
Thankfully, I woke up, and am now recommitted to getting these last 26 pounds off.
Thanks for saying hi. great to meet you Beth