I'm Freezing!!!
Good morning from the tundra! It is 4 degrees here with a wind chill of
-10! No human should have to leave the house in these conditions. I drove a 1/2 hour to work and my van was still not warm! I never liked the cold much but now it's 3 times as bad since I lost alot of my insulation.
I guess I should be thankful that we don't have 4 feet of snow like Beth in MA. We only have about a foot. But I just can't take these frigid temps.
And Janice I don't want to hear your temp in TX unless it's below 20!!!
Well I have to thaw out so I can start working!
Dawn, this weather does stink....I am just south of the PA border and it is WAY too cold...also notice that since I have lost weight I TOO get cold...I actually am wearing a coat now to/from work....never before did I bother...it would just get too hot....everyone at work has noticed the coats....I never really thought about it before...
I think I need a whale blubber coat to keep warm.
Are you guys just freezing all the time? I AM!! It's really cold here too but even when it's normal cold - like 30s or 40s - I'm freezing. I'm wearing long underwear and sitting under warming blankets or with space heaters blowing on me. My husband is about to kill me b/c he's in shorts and a t-shirt burning up. He's headed to NYC for business so I'm cranking the heater up to about 80 so I'll be comfortable!
Stay warm!
246-151-7 lbs to goal
Tandi..I always freeze my patootie off! Even with the warmer temperatures, I sleep with a polar fleece blanket, a flannel and sheepskin blanket, an afghan, and a queen size thermal blanket, folded in half...a grand total of 5 layers...and socks...if it is really cold, I have to wear the socks. HUbby picks on me saying that it is soo hard to get "frisky" when you have to have an archeological dig for your wife! LOL
I know. Remember when we used to sweat all the time? At least I used to. I would get hot and sweaty just getting ready in the morning! I used to get so embarassed when I would go do volunteer work at the kids school. I would be walking down the hall and just be out of breath and hot and sweaty. I couldn't get cool even in the air conditioning.
Wow what a difference 100 lbs can make!
Lots and lots of layers! That's how we do it! I got a down comforter for christmas and it's folded in 1/2 on my side of the bed. My husband doesn't like it. I used to wear shorts to bed in the winter. Now I usually wear long sleeve shirt & flannel pants under a long polar fleece nightgown and if I am really cold - socks! Pretty sexy huh!!!
And no I don't want to know how warm it is in Dallas!
Well I am off to crawl under my down comforter.
Good night all..
I am so glad I am not alone in the freezing! I can NOT believe how cold I am getting now. For the first time in my life I had to buy an electric blanket!!! My hands and feet get like ice cubes! If you ever asked me if I miss that 121 pounds, only when I am in NE Ohio this winter. So, yep, I guess I do wish I had a blubber coat that I could take off (of course). Does this mean that this summer we won't be as hot? Seems like it would? I can't wait to see. Have a great week!
P.S. Man, I wish I lived in the South right now! Signed, Shivering and blue lips in Ohio