Here's why the exercise never works...
Those of you who are mothers to small children will understand this...
Yesterday I decided to get on the treadmill and get my booty moving. I haven't lost weight in a month. The Christmas holiday slowed things down and if anything I may have put on a couple of pounds. So...oldest son is at school, youngest (2.5 years) and I have eaten breakfast. He is playing with play dough and watching a kids show on Nick Jr. I hop on the treadmill.
Almost immediately he comes to investigate. I talked to him for a minute or two and slowed it way down so that he could walk with me for a few minutes while I held his arms. Then I set him down to go off and play again and almost immediately he gets his hand stuck in the treadmill. I hit the emergency stop and check it out...pretty quickly get concerned by the friction burn he has on his inner pinkie and call his ped. They bandaged him up but now I have to take him to a special orthopedic specialist tomorrow. It looks like the darn machine rubbed off all the soft tissue over a 1/2" area in the inside top doc and I both think that we are seeing bone.
It feels like I can't do anything right. And I'm deathly afraid of that treadmill right now. Please pray for Matthew's hand to heal with no complications. We're having trouble keeping the sterile bandage on it, yesterday he pulled it off as soon as we got home and I had to take him right back down to the dr's office. They rebandaged and now he can't use any of his hand at all. This is particularly difficult for him becuase of a speech delay. He uses his hands for gesturing and some sign language that he's learned recently trying to reduce frustration, etc...
Anyway, sometimes life sucks - just needed to vent.
Aylene! You know I can commiserate with you! I hope Matthew gets healed up fast. Two year olds and bandages don't mix, I know...
My 2.10 year old split her lip open a few months back, she luckily didn't try to pick the stitches out TOO much...
All three of my kids have already gotten too close to the treadmill- and I have to leave it folded up all the time because they all are just obsessed with it. I can't walk at all while the little one is awake- 'cuz she won't leave me alone on it, and I'm certain she'd get hurt, too... My five year old already took a full fall off of my mother-in-laws' treadmill... it was an older one without a key... he turned it on, fast, and SWOOSH! Although, he wasn't the only one who did that.
It hurts.
Someday I'll fly, someday I'll soar,
someday I'll be so damn much more than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer
My journal:

Aylene, First here is a BIG HUG! As far as not being able to "do anything right", don't blame yourself sweetie! My husband kept threating to put our kids in helmets when they were toddlers. Like I tell my kids, "That's why the call them accidents and not on purposes"
I do pray your son heals quickly and well!
Sometimes life does seem to suck, appreciate the good times!
Take care,