Tasty Tuesday... Post here & SABOTAGE!!
Ok- post away!
I NEED all the help I can get--- WHAT are you eating??
Me- (on the wagon)
1 Body Choice Cappucino Protein Shake (15G protein)
1 scoop GNC Whey Protein (20G protein)
Lunch- (up in the air)
Another shake or if I get to the store, mixed greens, dressing, and turkey breast
Dinner- (??)
Either part of what the family eats- more than likely leftovers tonight for them, so I may have a bowl of KETO cereal with milk, more mixed greens, or something on that idea... I'm being exceptionally good today... on sugar-strike... trying to regain my pouch.
I gave the carb-sweets and snacks a stern talking to yesterday, so what if I had to whisper real close and put them IN my mouth to get the point across, right?
Anyways- they're all gone. Against DH's wishes, all of the goodies are forbidden. I have zero self-control in this house. Anywhere else, I can say "no"--- but within these walls, it's too easy to just walk by and have snack after snack after snack!
He's the one who brought home most of the junk-foods...
chocolate chip cookies, sugar free chocolate wafers, hershey's chocolate nuggets, mini chocolate bars,
etc... These didn't/don't come home all at once, but each and every time he realized they're weren't any "sweet" snacks in the house.... OKAY- if he WEREN'T a post-op RNY this would be 1000% times WORSE.... he was the biggest junk-foodie I EVER met... Now, it's on a miniature scale--- he brings it home, has a piece or a few every single night... no biggie. It's ME that is the problem... I'm HOME ALL DAY LONG, tempted by chocolate goodies ALL DAY LONG.
I told him yesterday that if he MUST have snacks, to hide them where I cannot find them.. and have a piece on occasion when I'm not looking! He thought that was absolutely nuts.
Does anyone else have this problem? Lack of self-control and junk in your house that you DID not buy?
I don't dare call it sabotage, because he says he buys them for himself- and he says he has control of his consumption of goodies... although I watched him dump and go to bed last night due to the intake of a chocolate chip cookie with milk. HA!
I can't tell him what to do. I hate being the know-it-all when it comes to our new way of living... and he can make his OWN choices. I mean, he does a pretty good job overall of what HE eats, and he's losing weight still. I hate to be a nag, especially when it's me eating the damned chocolate.
UGH... anyhow... gotta stop ranting... the wee child I babysit comes today, gotta get my loud vacuuming done now, he's scared sh*tless of the thing.

Hey Beth,
Is it the 9 month curse or something? I have been snacking way to much myself, just a little here and just a little there, but it does add up.
(psst, don't tell anyone but I gained a pound this week)
Breakfast-low carb cereal (3 ounces)
Lunch- tunafish with 5 crackers
dinner-3-4 ounces of stew

I absolutely can't have it in the house either! I called a family meeting last night to enlist everyone's help. I told them no candy and my husband said he would handle the grocery store till valentines day! Yay! My husband already hides sweets which is fine with me (so far). He doesn't have to worry about eating a little chocolate and doesn't have the tendency to binge like I do (oops, that's supposed to be "did"
I'm feeling more in control today (it is 7:39 a.m.)
. Hopefully that will last all day. I'm going to workout this morning.
Breakfast - Go Lean Crunch cereal with Rice Milk
Crystal Lite Peach Tea
I'll have a protein drink after my workout (probably Nectar)
Lunch - ???
Dinner - ???
Good luck today, everybody!

Well I had a great idea of adding banana creme protein powder to my oatmeal w/ 1/2 banana. Yuck! Too much banana! Throwing it out and starting over!
Prebreakfast - 16 oz. international coffee sf decaf french vanilla w/splash of skim milk
Breakfast (take 2) - 1/2 c. oatmeal, 1/2 banana, 1 c. skim milk
Lunch - Tuna salad = 1/2 can tuna, 1/2 oz. cheddar cheese, 1 T.
Hellman's low fat mayo
1/2 low carb torilla
1/2 c. fruit salad
Snack - 1 stalk celery w/ 1 wedge low fat laughing cow spreadable cheese
Dinner - spaghetti and meatballs. Or should I say meatballs with two bites of spaghetti. And probably a small salad. My husband is cooking and still doesn't get the I can't eat a plate of spaghetti. Also hasn't figured out that I don't drink with my meals. As you can see he is VERY observent!!!
Ok, here goes. Not proud, but no major carbs, yet.
5:30 am Protein Shake
7:45 am String cheese stick
9:00 am Golden deliscious apple
Been doing crystal lite
Lunch Getting a salad.
Afternoon snack Planning on another string cheese
Dinner Don't know.
I did my early morning walk. I definitely have to get serious about exercise....just walking and arm/leg lifts with weights isn't cutting it.
I only get to blame myself for the snacking...I bring or make the stuff myself.
However, yesterday was a good day since the scale was at the low end of my bounce...so lets hope today I can continue and drop below my mark.
B = Atkins Shake (Chocolate Delight)
L = (planned) either Power Crunch Bar or 3/4c Pasta E Fagoli (homemade very little pasta...mostly protein beans & ground beef)
D = (planned) Marinated Veggies, 3/4c Pasta E Fagoli
I'll update as the day goes...keep your fingers crossed for me.

Hi Beth,
Sorry to hear your having such a hard time with the sweets! it's a tough battle.
I have told hubby that no junk food comes into this house (that I can find). When I was fisrt post-op hubby brought home a big gallon of icecream (none of us eat much, 1/2 gallon would have been fine) I got so mad, I told him..."you will not ruin this for me! I am not going to let you. it makes me mad that you feel that you can try to screw me up!!" That was the last time he did that. because of my rules I have little temptation, and hubby has lost 25 lbs.
anyway here's my food so far today:
breakfast: 1 cappucino protien drink (pretty good concidering I'm not a coffee drinker)
Ice tea...16 oz no sugar no lemon (after workout)
morn. snack: 1 carbwell protien bar
Ice tea...no sugar no lemon
Lunch: 3 kavhil crackers, 1/2 c chicken salad with manderian oranges, 1/3c hominy
12 oz crystal light
not sure what's up for the rest of the day....trying to resist the urge to make peanut butter cookies....
Here's my food update for today:
1/4C pastina cooked in veggie broth (wasn't going to touch it, but man it looked nummy... and it was for the kids... coulda been worse, so I just had a few bites...)
22 oz. iced coffee/2 oz skim half and half/sugar free vanilla syrup
25 oz. diluted lemonade crystal light
12 oz. iced coffee/cream/=
2 caramel Viactiv chews
1/2C fat free cottage cheese
1C mixed greens
1/4C alfalfa sprouts
Snacks/liquids tonight-
Another 25 oz diluted iced tea (starting in 15 minutes)
Maybe a treat of flat diet root beer with dollop lowfat sugar free vanilla ice cream, if not a squirt of the SF vanilla syrup.. mmmm floaty!
Calories 408
Fat 5
Carbs 31
Protein YAY! 55
Now, if there was a way to add 500 cals without adding a lot of FAT or any carbohydrates....?? (Note- normally you'd see CHOCOLATE, CHEESE and lots and lots of cream here...)
I'll pee away the pounds!
I'm so happy I had a good day! It's been a while.

The snacking kills me too but I don't eat sugar (b/c I dump so bad) so I don't have the cravings. What about thinking of some better snacks you could let yourself have instead of junky stuff? These are things I eat for a snack:
*low sugar yogurt w/ 1 low-fat graham cracker
*1/2 c. SF ice cream
*tons of fruit
*peanut butter w/ apples or grapes
*quaker mini rice cakes - cheddar
*low fat kettle korn popcorn (the kind I get has less that 1 g sugar - I'll have to check the brand - I think it's Orville Redenbacker)
*Weigh****chers fiber cereal w/ 1/2 cup milk
*protein shake (1 scoop protein, frozen strawberries, frozen bananas, CL orange, splenda)
*LS oatmeal with blueberries
I'll try and think of some more.
Some of these are probably higher in carbs that you usually eat. I eat carbs and don't limit them (except by sugar - no more than 5gs). For me, it was figuring out that it's just a math equation no matter what mix of carbs, fats, etc. It's all calories in vs. calories out. That's why I went to WW to get these last few pounds off and learn how to manage my calories.
Here's what I ate today:
B: LS oatmeal w/ blueberries
S1: WW cereal w/ 1/2 c. milk
S2: (starving) 10 pretzels
L: 1 tortilla, few chips, salsa, 4 oz chicken, fajita veggies, little cheese dip
S3: low fat kettle korn popcorn and low-carb yogurt
D: 1/2 c. chili w/ LF cheese and sour cream and grilled cheese (but the grilled cheese didn't go down very well)
S4: ?? maybe grapes or SF hot chocolate
246/151/7 long lbs to goal