Question for everyone
Has anyone else noticed an increase in freakiness with your new bodies? Since having had the surgery, I have discovered I have a dermoid cyst on my left ovary, that was not there a year ago, and have developed pityrias rosea. My PHP keeps telling me it's my body's way of working out all of the toxins and such I have been feeding it for years. Had non-Hodkin's Lymphoma over a year ago and went thru radiation. It seems like all of a sudden all of these little annoyances keep popping up.
I haven't noticed anything serious that I am AWARE of yet
... beyond the usual dizzy spells, near faintings at times... I think my hormones were out of whack pre-op, but they seem better now, my nasty raging periods are gone...
Pre-op I had painful gawd-awful periods with icky side effects, now, nada!
I wish you luck--- what is the rosea?

I agree with you Erin, I have had a cold almost every month this fall. Prior to surgery I never had one. I've had three yeast infections soon after my surgery, yes..... prior to surgery I never had one.....And found out I am anemic. Go figure.
I also find my vision isn't as clear. Not sure if that has to do with age, 38 or the surgery, but, it seems I'm falling apart. LOL But...... I'd never give up the 100 lbs I've lost in nine months. Good luck