B = 4oz Carb Control Yogurt w/1tbs ground flaxseed
Way behind on my water already...I'm on my way to get my biweekly manicure, then grocery shopping, and then I have to go to the next town to pick up a book (procrastinating...need it for the book club that meets on Monday)...and will probably go to Costco to get some water.
This would not be a bad thing, except going to is sample day...I could get full just sampling stuff...pray for me as I walk the isles and turn the other cheek.

2 oz. hummus (forgot how much I adore it.... screw the carbs!)
1C spring mix
1/8C shredded cheddar
Iced coffee/cream/=
Dinner- (instead of the pizza the family had...)
1 oz ham
.5 oz ricotta salata
2 oz mozzarella
2 TBSP black olives
2 SF wafer cookies = immediate discomfort.
Flat diet root beer... I have been craving root beer- it's been almost ten months! I have the can sitting open now, hoping to dissapate the bubbles.
Then, another bottle of water with crystal light "on-the-go" added during another treadmill walk...
Got some movies to watch tonight.... no excuses!