gained 5 pounds
hello,i am 9 months out.i started at 244lbs and lost 100 pounds by 01/14/05.i went to the dr.yesterday i had a bad day i think it was the pms thing lol.when i got on the scale it said 149 lbs i can never read that scale i like the one that i had that you step on it and it tell you the lbs and body fat.but my son put it in water and it stopped working.the one that they have it the dr.(pcp)is the one that is the tall one.i don't know if you know wich one i'm talking about.but any way it said 149 lbs.but i'm ok with that i really don't want to say anything negative about my weight loss or gain.because i need to be happy with how i look and i feel.when i was down to 144lbs i was worried about what if i end up being so skinny and i started eating more.i can see that i can eat more now that before.but don't get me wrong i don't eat alot i just eat more than i used too.and i am happy with my weight i just don't want to gain anymore.thatn you all for reading this i just had to talk to someone and see if they are going thru the same dr. said that it was the waterweight gain that you have when you are going to get your period.but i don't know.take care all.
My doc said the same thing about my 6 pounds I've gained recently. I know you can hold water easily during the monthly cycle and although I really don't think that is the case with me, I'm going to choose to believe that for now. I think you are right about staying positive. We can really play head games with ourselves and start a bad trend if we aren't careful.
drink lots of water and get your excercise and it should come right off again.
I increased my water and have already lost 3 out of the 6 I gained.
Take care,
Hi! I have to say, I like your attitude about this. This surgery has been a blessing on our lives and we need to appreciate it! Good on you!
I have had the exact same experience the past couple of months. I was 1lbd away from surgeons goal and then gain 4lbs back. I have been battle the pounds for 2 months now. At first I figured water weight...but two period had come and gone LOL!
For me, I had to really step back to look at what and how I have been eating. The bottom line is that I have been grazing alot and I have not been focused enough on my workouts.
So...I've gone back to writing my weekly meal plans. If I'm hungry, I go for water first. Then it gives me time to think out my snack instead of just grabbing junk. What I find is that I usually don't want a snack, I want to avoid doing something (like doing the dishes
As far as workouts go, I committed myself to run a marathon in June, so I have been training for that. This is in effort to re-enforce for my self that working out is not an option, its a way of life.
So, I have dropped 3 of the 41bs so far and am feeling much better about my ability to be in control of my habits.
Good luck to you!