Pouch Rules for Dummies

Me too, Lara.
My surgeon wants me to take 30 min to eat as well and doesn't believe in the pouch rules. I've wondered about them for a while now. It is very interesting to me - the different theories for success that are out there.
Fortunately, I don't vomit. Well, only three times since the April surgery. I do feel sick though if I eat too fast.
One thing that my surgeon does agree with is not to drink for 30min-1 1/2 hr after my meal. I rarely ever make it 1 1/2 hr.

Hey Beth. As of today, I have lost 170 pounds since 4/16/04. I really try to get all my water in.
B: yogurt
luna protein bar 1/2
milk or oj
L: 1/2 of a 6" turkey sub w/cheese, lettuce, mayo
D: Whatever my family eats. I try to cook healthy for them, so generally it works for me. I can't eat pizza on those nights, or anything fried. I pretty much live on turkey. It seems to not make me
. If I look at cheese sideways in the store, I get bound up. And I LOVE cheese. So I eat in small amounts.
Snacks: couple of saltine cracker to help w/ any nausea I STILL have
soup broth, or raw veggies w/ ranch dressing
I can't eat fish, pork or any kind of seafood. Occasionally I will have hamburger in something like tacos or spaghetti. Pasta in small amounts, very small amounts. I eat toast--any bread is always whole grain or as close as I can get it. If I am having a
day, I will drink a slim fast for some nutrition, as the others are too thick and make me feel yucky. I pretty much stay away from sugar, although weigh****chers makes a killer choc cake, just like a zinger. Need to back away from the choc!!
I think for me, I simply have so much going on what with a full time job, going to school full time for my BBA, and have four girls, 3 under the age of 3. I do try and exercise, although I wish I could get in more. Everything for me is in small amounts. I am the queen of waste, now as I only eat a small portion of something, and the next time I try and eat it, it may not do well for me. The one weakness I have is garlic, and have come up with a garlic french cut green bean dish that I could live on. It is simple, but yummy!! I do eat taters, in moderation, but I have found the more I eat, the more I lose. I know at some point, my body will adjust and I will have to be really careful, but right now, I can't get in enough food to get to 800 calories a day, without some bread and taters. I really only want to lose 20 more pounds, and transfer it to my boobs. I have went from a D, to a very tiny B. And a whole lotta belly skin. If I could have plastics right now, I would be happy where I am.