Supersize Me- The Movie- Family Changes...
So- have you watched it? I finally rented it. I had to cover my eyes, I knew the man was going to
at some point. It was absolutely disgusting, and eye-opening, of course.
I don't think it would have bothered me as much if I had seen it 157 lbs ago. Watching him ingest all of the McD's food made me realize how much *I* have eaten in the past, and it made me ill. ::shiver::
The statistics are absolutely alarming, scary, and awful. The obesity in this country is out of control. While all of us have done *something* about our own problems, what more can we do?
For me, it's about changing my family- and I have. I pack lunch for my daughter to bring to school, and I will continue to do so, after seeing the absolute junk that is called lunch AT school... and her school is particularly "good" about food, and is still subpar.
I will *not bring my children to fast-food restaurants if I can help it. I realize at time it's just a treat, or something you THINK is necessary, but it can be avoided. If we do go--- I try to help the kids make a better choice.. but in most cases it is better for us to NOT go at all, especially with my son, because he's incapable of looking past the chicken-product nugget/tender foods and chocolate milk or root beer. I can persuade the girls into chili, salad or a baked potato with broccoli--- but they're not picky.
I'd say 15 months ago- we were having McD's or the like at least once a week or more.
I was a Big Mac girl... I'd order a #1--- (which is the Mac meal.. with a diet coke) AND add an order of chicken nuggets!!??!
Yikes, and it's no wonder I gained 130 lbs excess weight....
Anyways--- to do this, I am trying to prepare many foods at HOME and carry portable foods with me at all times for myself and the kids to avoid that temptation of just driving through to grab something. If given the choice, they will eat a snack I've packed and not even bother asking for the crap they see while we're out and about. I try to keep a variety of stuff they can choose from in the cabinet, fridge and in a fruit it's not like they feel totally limited... the girls have responded well to this... my son, who is built of peanut butter, jellly, bread, chicken, bread, chocolate milk, bread and peanut butter, has revolted.... but he's gonna get over it.
We've nixed the chocolate milk, in any form, and now he asks for "white" milk, which is a big step. Other than white milk, he can have 100% juices, but he doesn't like them other than apple--- so it's ice water, pretty much all the time.... as for food--- I keep offering new things, and hope he catches on to trying and liking things!
I hope it helps, because with our family history and what we're apparently surrounded with--- I know my children are at a huge risk of being overweight/obese kids/teens/adults. My oldest *is "obese", middle child is a few lbs overweight, and the baby probably would be overweight too, but she's been a super-extended nurser and has had better nutritional health overall...
Anyways--- what did you think of the movie if you saw it?

I want to see it SO bad, but haven't made the effort to rent it. A friend of mine saw it when it 1st came out & recomended it to me ... she doesn't know I had the surgery - so she said it would be inspirational to keep me on my "Diet".
Good to know it sounds as if she was right & I may have to rent it this weekend!
RNY 4/27/04
She knows I had my gall bladder out last Jan & I told people I was having part of my intestine removed ... so she knew I had "Medical issues" - then after my 1st 30# people started asking & I have been telling people I am on my own version of the South Beach diet (cuz I am).
People are very supportive & I don't get any of those "Easy Way Out" speeches .... this by no means is the easy way out! This way no one pushes food at me, or sweets. They know I have been trying to lose weight for some time & they want to "help" me. I think it is great

Hi Beth, I really want to see that movie! As far as fast food goes, I'm pretty lucky. My husband is a bit of a health food nut, so my kids are used to always having whole wheat this and that, brown rice, fresh fruit, etc...
But yes, we would hit the fast food places a bit too often (for me not for them
) Even then, they wouldn't order fries. My oldest son (five at the time) went to lunch with my sister and he told her "Quigleys don't eat fries" She cracked up! But me on the other hand, I can remember looking at the menu and wondering just how many hamburgers I could order before someone would notice what I pig I was. I was always relieved if they had double hambugers cuz I could order two.
So we still hit the fast food places once or twice a month. They are offering a lot better fare now. At burger king, I get the shrimp garden salad (really good). I split the carrots with the kids and they get and apple sauce and hamburger and milk. So not too bad. They get the occasional soda, though we don't keep it in the house and my youngest son prefers juice to soda.
So pretty luck...despite my efforts! Ha!

Had my DH been any sort of health-foodie we'd have been better off from the start. I hate to admit this, but, he's a huge part of my weight problem. He ate absolutely AWFUL... take out all the time... (his mom never cooked)
I came from a house where mom cooked every night, mainly healthy fare, lots of fresh veggies, beans, etc.... I have a friend that called me "salad girl" back in school because I brought salad and chickpeas for lunch most days...
I was always overweight, but never morbidly obese.
That happened when I moved out with DH.
I went from having healthy meals cooked for me, to eating take-out, and eating on the cheap. We never had much money, so groceries were as much as I could buy on a smallish budget, which meant lots of sh*t!! Hamburger Helper-type food, lots of chicken and mayo, stea**** frozen food.... ::shiver:: That's the way he grew up--- all junk all the time (they still eat that way at his moms' house, his two sisters are both over 300 lbs, his mom pushing 400 lbs... any reason?!?!)
See how it just rubs off--- I picked up all of his bad habits, that he picked up from his mother.... so, I can blame it all on her, now can't I?
My good healthy habits all went to poop when we moved out. Well, they're baaaaaaaaaaaaack.
Someday I'll fly, someday I'll soar,
someday I'll be so damn much more than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer

I my lord, jim would fall down dead if I tried to serve him anything like that. I guess, I was like your husband to him, only he didn't fall into the eating trap. He was always terrified that I was going to have a negative effect on the kids. It really got him down. My poor hubby...but he stuck by me!
When he met me I was 125lbs and 130 when we got married. I had lost 80lbs on the slim fast plan and kept it off for 8 years. I really thought I had my demons under control at that point. Then I got pregnant...gained 60lbs and never lost it...then preggers again and another 30! I was a mostly healthy eater...just ate huge portions. I was a slave to the scale and if I would gain was off to binging at the fast food places. Its making sad to think about it. Gosh food is such a controlling thing!
But I remember when I was thin and single. I would walk to the grocery store so that I could only buy what I could carry home (It was a 6 mile walk round trip). Then I would only use a hand basket and not a cart. anything that wouldn't fit in the basket didn't get to come home with me. I would buy 7 lean cuisines(or what ever was on sale). A loaf a light bread. Salad fixings. Slim fast shakes and fruit, crystal light or diet 7-up and milk.
That's how obsessed I had to be about eating for 8 years to control my eating habits. Yikes!
sorry to ramble, but you really got me thinking about food and the control it has over me. Its kinda of scary for me to approach the end of the honeymoon period of WLS. Hope I've got things in check!
Beth sounds like you are making good changes for your family. I too came from a family where my mom cooked every day. However we did not have much money so it was alot of ground beef and pasta. The good old stick to your ribs food. And my father was a member of the clean plate club. If there was a little bit of something left he'd make me eat it. Hence why I have been overweight since I was 10. By the time I was 13, he was criticizing me about the amount I ate. And the cycle begins.
So anyway I don't want my kids to have the food hang ups that I do so I never make them clean their plate if they say they are full. ( I have 5 yr old twins) However, they can't tell me in 5 minutes that they want dessert because they are still hungry. Dessert usually consists of yogurt or fruit. My husband grew up on junk also. We have a struggle going on in the house because I buy few treats and he comes home with oreos. I don't deny them sweets but I monitor them. He will sit and eat 1/2 a bag of oreos. I can't even watch him because it makes me ill. He is about 30 lbs overweight. Would be more but he has a physical job. Plus he smokes. Another issue.
We do eat at fast food on occasion, maybe once a month. Only Wendy's and I get chili. My kids do eat chicken nuggets but get the oranges and milk. My kids will both tell me that we don't eat at McDonalds because it's not healthy! I know they have healthier selections than before but I never liked McD's to begin with.
They do not drink soda (or pop as we say in Western PA), only milk, water and occasionally juice.
So I am trying to teach them good nutrition without denying them everything. I think it's really hard to find the right balance. I guess you just have to teach them how to make the right choices when they are young so it follows them through their lives.
Hi Dawn. I do the same things with my kids. If they say they're full (but haven't eaten much dinner), they're excused, but have to leave they're plates on the table. then if they'r hungry later they can fini**** It works out good when I'm the one serving dinner because I'm pretty in tune with they're portion requirements. My hubby on the other hand, will load up they're plates and expect them to finish before they leave the table. He is a naturally thin guy and has never had a weight problem. I try to remind him that clearing your plate is an outdated way to approach eating...and I remind him that the kids have half of my genes!
Wishing you and your family well,