My new picture is showing up now !!!!
YIPEE! Look, I finally got them to fix my pic. Now you can tell, I actually have a neck!
I'm celbrating today
- I was finally able to use the eliptical machine at the gym. I've tried several times over the last 6 months and never could get it right. I guess I'm just a klutz
! Anyway, I did it today for 20 minutes after the treadmill for 15 minutes! I've felt good all day.
Have a great day!

Ronda your new photo looks marvelous. Wish mine had been placed on here correct. Oh well....
I bought one of the eliptical's and I swear I avoid that thing like crazy. I have to make myself this year start working out on it every day. It actually burns more calories than the treadmill and it's less impactful on the joints.
I know Donna. They kept telling me that it was less impactful on the joints because I have major knee problems. So, I kept trying it but for some reason, the eliptical hurt my knees worse than the bike or the treadmill - go figure. Until today, that is. I don't know if my legs are just getting stronger or if I finally figured out how to do it, but my knees didn't hurt today. Boy, it really keeps my heartrate up there!
Your pic looks great - can anyone tell me how long it takes to get a picture updated on your profile. I emailed them an after picture and am still waiting for it to post. I am really getting annoyed and wish I would get that email that says it is ready to view. Any thoughts on the process would maybe set my mind at ease. I sent my pic to them two weeks ago and am still waiting. Sorry to vent - but was just curious if anyone could help out. Have a great rest of the day.
277/185-182 (teetering)
plastic surgery soon...