Can someone tell me......
How can I get all my protein in? I can not eat ANY dairy due to an allergy to casein protein in cow's milk (gives me hives-really serious). Therefore, I'm stuck with basically ...... meat..... meat........ more meat! I'm getting so sick of meat! What else can I eat? I am still supplementing with protein drinks and my doc says that I really should be getting everything in with food only by now.
I need ideas. I'm going crazy here!
Thanks everyone,
p.s. I reached ONEDERLAND! finally !!! I'm at 196. That makes 101 lbs lost!
Thanks Tina. I had forgotten about PB. I love PB! I do eat that sometimes (the natural kind). I was eating almonds for a while but it seemed like my weight loss sort of stalled. I think I was getting too much fat in.
How much protein do you strive for? I've been getting about 60g but then I did the thinnerself website thing and it said I should be getting about 120g. Big difference.
Thank again,
ISO Pure zero carb.
It comes in several flavors and can be purchased at the Vitamin Shoppe or GNC. I found GNC to be a bit higher in price though. Try the flavors before you buy a case. I like most all of them.
Be careful to get the zero carb because they make one with carbs, too.
It has 40 grams of protien per bottle. It has been real helpful for me.
I'd just about shrivel up and die without my dairy! Really!
Just today, I ate four cheese sticks, gruyere cheese, cream in my cauliflower cheese casserole, cream in my coffee.... you get the idea.
As for suggestions- can you handle any protein snack bars? I can't handle many, so I don't eat them often or at least not whole bars. My husband lives on "Glennys' Slim Carb" protein bars in the chocolate flavor. They are crunchy... yummy stuff... I can eat about 3/4 of one without a problem....
Although- I don't know about the hidden dairy in food- does that also bother you?
Beef & turkey jerky, beans (high in carbs, but great proteins!), hummus, soy cereals, girlfriends booty!, soy crisps, nuts, nut butters, soy nuts.... man this is harder than I thought-- I truly do live on cheese!

I agree with Beth or Beth's DH - I love the Glenny's slim carb bars. They have 140 calories and 12 gr protein. Not heavy like some of the bars. I also like detour bars.
Glenny's also makes Soy crisps. They are like rice cakes. 70 cal. for 1/2 bag and 4.5 gr protien. 2 servings per bag. My favorite are the BBQ. The ranch are okay too. They are $1 a bag at CVS. I get the slim carb bars at a little discount store in town. I have not seen them anywhere else.
Beth - where do you buy them?
As for non-meat protein how about tofu. Now I personally don't eat it, I may try it for something different. I think it's like a sponge and absorbs what you cook it with. Maybe try to find some recipes online. Anyone out there eat tofu?
Good luck!