Any one having Hot Flashes?
Already been checked...not menopause...but I got them a lot early in my surgery and then they went away around month five and six...suddenly over the past month or so they have returned...any ideas what is causing this?
My sister (Lucy R.) also post-op is also suffering from them you think they have something to do when we are in losing mode?
Thanks for your help.

I'm not have hot flashes, but my periods are crazy, here for one day then gone then here for 10 days. I went to the health food store and bought some natural progesterone cream and Estrosense (a supplement) to try and get it back on track. The worst part of it is that I get menstrul migraines and the past two have been so bad I was vomiting (very unusual for them to be this bad). I need to get them under control before I start my new job.
Unfortunately, my periods were very intermittent before surgery...I already lost an ovary a few years they are non ob/gyn ran some test and did an exam...said everything is okay and not to worry until I can stabilize my weight...which won't be for sometime. I can start BC pills, but don't feel a need to right now. However, my endocrinologist has a different view and I have a handful of tests to take over the next month which will tell him if my thyroid suppressive therapy could be a culprit not only with the non existent periods, but the hot flashes too. So we will see.
Hope you can get yours under control.
Take Care,

Looked over my fitday records and pattern...I was hoping it was something simple. Saw my Endocrinologist today and he is going to run some tests to see if possible my medication is contributing...I am on supressive therapy to prevent growths in my remaining portion of my thyroid and it is possible I am getting too much.
Thanks for the help.

I'm experiencing the same thing and I know its not menopause, cuz I did that yrs ago. It seems to be about 30 to 45 min. after eating, but it doesnt happen every time I eat. It's most uncomfortable, but I just peel off some outer clothes and fan myself til it passes, which doesnt take too terribly long. I'm going to try and remember to ask the dr. about it when I see him in March. Hang in there, it's little to put up with considering all the problems we had before the weight loss.