Dizzy or Dumping???
I have a question that will probably sound stupid to most of you. I am not aware of anytime that I have experienced dumping syndrome, the way I understand it. However, recently, I have been experiencing dizziness, "zoned out" felling. I had an incident at work the other day while standing talking to some co-workers. All of a sudden I became very weak, then the room started spinning real fast. I commented to my coworkers that I thought I was getting sick, and I needed to go back to my office. I attempted to walk to my office, but began staggering and walking backwards, then felt paralized for a few seconds. I did not black out, luckily they came to my rescue immediately with a chair and after a few minutes of sitting, I started to feel better. I went to the Dr. and they couldn't find anything wrong with me (labs, etc..) About an hour and a half or two prior to that I had 1/2 tortilla w/peanut butter and jelly (my sister made it, and totally spaced out using my SF jelly, and I didn't ask... It was the first time since surgery that I have eaten PB or Jelly. Does this sound like it could be dumping?? I have begun to experiment with sugar (stupid thing for me to do) and I can tolerate things in moderation, again, not aware of dumping. Dirrahea is a norm for me, so that couldn't be a sign that I would be aware of. The day after that episode I went to the mall and after walking a while became light headed and felt like I was walking sideways. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Sorry about the length of this post.
My surgery date was 4/13 Weight loss has really slowed down for me. I have lost 103 lbs.
Sounds like dehydration to me too. HOWEVER, I know folks who get the spins and the shakes from sugar too. I get a heart pound pound pound from eating a flour tortilla shell, and if I added non SF jelly to it I think I'd die.
Most Jelly has like 27 grams of sugar in just a tablespoon - it's intense!
Also - if I have dumped the previous day, I am more sensitive the following day.
Keep your fluids up, and don't eat jelly again.
Huggles for you,
(currently dealing with a foamy
dumping off of 2 meatballs I had for lunch)

I get dizzy, spacey and out-of-it spells frequently... I am planning to ask the doc about it tommorrow...
Dumping for me includes getting dizzy and feeling like I am going to DROP, but it usually happens within 10 minutes to 30 minutes after eating. It happened today 5 minutes after eating my dinner (a freaking protein bar!) I got so dizzy I fell down.

These spells are a way of life for me these days, as I have low blood pressure as well as incredibly low blood sugar. I know when I need to eat, because I will get the lightheaded, spinning trip, complete with the ear popping-getting louder syndrome. Happens to me frequently in the grocery store, when I've been shopping too long.