Hair Loss
I posted this question in the main Post Op forum, but I decided this would be a better place. I'm still losing hair. Are any of you? I guess I'm wondering if there are those that ended up losing all their hair like those having had treatment for cancer. My hair was not very thick to start and it is very fine.
My dr. found me to be anemic and that is a cause of hair loss. I've since been doing large doses of iron and a monthly B12 shot. The anemia is almsot gone. I keep hoping that the hair will slow down and not all fall out. I do have new growth. I just hope the old hair doesn't all let go. My hair is about shoulderblade length. I've never been one to wear it short.
Anyway... just wondering about your experiences and what you have heard/learned about it. hair just stopped falling out, and I lost about 70% of my hair plus had to cut it from waist length to shoulder length. I want to cry every time I bru****! I tried all the supplements and nothing worked for me. I tried special shampoos and they hurt my scalp. I wish I had some great advice on how to get it to stop but I need the same advice! Just wanted to let you know you aren't alone.
My hair is still falling out.... I'm still losing lots of hairs in the shower and when I bru**** I keep it extremely short, so for me to notice it, it's got to be quite a bit.
*shine, baby, shine, 'cause it's all in your mind
the life you crave, the love you make,
said, it's all up to you and you just gotta say
hello, hello, here I am, and here I go,
I got love to give and I got dreams to live so-
- C. Aguilera

mine has slowed dramatically, but i was always told that the main amount of hair loss would start between 3-6 months and then slow in a few months as well. I have yet to meet a completely bald wls patient. I have encountered a few with very thin hair but that is also usually from a pre existing health symptom such as malnutrition from before wls or other health issues. Either way they are temporary conditions and the hair comes back. If you have darker hair a lighter color will give the illusion of more hair. A different cut might make you feel better about it as well. Hang in there! its not a forever thing.
Annette living with thinner hair for the time being

My hair is nearly waist length and used to be so thick and now it's fairly thin. It still falls out but not quite as bad as it was. I have these little sprouts all over the place now, which do nothing for that cow lick I have in the back of my head. I am kinda like you as I never wear my hair short. However, the length will make it fall out worse but I just can't let go of my long locks.
Hi Kathy,
Yup, lost a lot of my hair too, but I have a lot of hair...if you look closely at my pic you can see my thin hairline. However, it has stopped falling out and yes, I took plenty...and still do...of supplements. I take a zinc-magnesium-calcium at the recommendation of my WLS surgeon. I used a pantene volume conditioner to make my hair look thicker. I have not colored or permed it since now it is very very straight and was very long, but now I have it cut to the middle of my back just to keep some of the tension off the scalp.
Only people *****ally know my sisters...really notice my hairloss, but now it is coming back in like gang busters. My sister (Lucy R.) who happens to also be my hairdresser (nothing like having one in the family
) is going to try to color and perm my hair just before the OH Cali Cruise in keep you fingers crossed for me I don't end up bald.
Take Care,

Oh, my poor hair. Well, i had really thick hair pre-op and I have lost probably 70%. The loss has slowed way down and I would say I am back to my pre-op normal shedding amount. and I have a ton of new little hairs sticking out all over my head and it just looks awful...I wake up in the morning looking like one of those troll dolls with hair sticking up everywhere. I tried the Nioxin shampoo...did nothing for the loss and dried out my hair and scalp really bad...i am still having a really bed time with dry scalp/ head feels like it need a bunch of moisturizer dumped on it...I havent found anything (shampoo or conditioner wise) to help out there...any ideas would be great...the dandruff or dry scalp shampoo just seems to make it worse. Anyway, it did get really thin, but I have hope with the new crop, hopefully it will be back to normal one day. I have noticed that a lot of the new is is gray though...I did at home color just before thanksgiving, but it didnt seem to take or last very long for some reason.