WLS Questions - if you're looking for something to do today
WLS Questions
For those who are bored and would like a diversion I present to you the WLS Survey. Copy/paste the questions into your post and then answer them. It's fun and all your friend's are doing it.
Here's the questions and below are my answers:
WLS Questions
1. What made you decide to have the surgery?
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery?
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame?
5. Was it painful?
6. Was it emotionally painful?
7. How has having the surgery helped you?
8. How has having the surgery hurt you?
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery?
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine?
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried?
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery?
13. Would you do it over again if you had to?
1. What made you decide to have the surgery?
My sorority sister Leah had it 2 years earlier. . .and it hit me REALLY hard. I tried for 2 years to lose the weight on my own - I even ran a 5k at 400 lbs. Nothing worked. I knew I needed to do something, then I visited my mother on the same weekend that a dear friend (who I consider "my age") went to the hospital with heart troubles. My mother was more coherent than usual - and it was obvious to me that she was a prisoner trapped in her obese body that was a rapidly worsening train wreck. She was in the hospital and in so much physical pain she was just shaking. . .I knew in that moment looking at her that unless I did something and SOON that I would share her fate.
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
I'm not really one that gives people much opportunity to talk me out of anything. I made it abundantly clear that no one's opinion mattered as much as mine did when it comes to this, and that I was not offering it as a suggestion - it was my way or the highway. My friends know me well, and are kind of used to me being a bit of a snott like that. 
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery?
I weighed over 400 lbs. I don't know how much over, I didn't have a scale that went that high.
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame?
Preop loss - 9 months I lost 45 lbs.
Postop loss - 9 months I have lost 147 since surgery.
Total loss in 18 months 192 lbs. I am almost 1/2 the woman I used to be.
5. Was it painful?
It's surgery not a cakewalk. It was a bit painful but I'm a trooper, so it wasn't that bad to me. It sucked don't get me wrong but it was very purposeful pain. . .unlike the migrane I have right now due to worry.
6. Was it emotionally painful?
In a word yes. I consciously chose to no longer be obese. However. . .that doesn't mean I woke up from surgery magically prepared to deal with all of the stuff that goes along with that. Add to that dealing with other people's emotions regarding my weight loss. . . .it's a challenge.
7. How has having the surgery helped you?
There aren't words to adequately describe how much this surgery has changed my life. I'll simplify it with one thing. This surgery gives me hope - I actually believe that I can have a long healthy life now. And that was something I never dared to dream before.
8. How has having the surgery hurt you?
Surgery itself hasn't hurt me. When people I love have a hard time dealing with my changes that can be hurtful. And I would say that the constant body transformation does deliver a blow to my self-confidence that is in a continual state of repairing.
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery?
9 months. And it was good for me to wait - gave me time to prepare.
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine?
No real restrictions. I don't get to touch sugar and sometimes I can't eat high-fat food (sometimes I can).
Otherwise - I have MUCH LESS restrictions mobility wise than before.
Does "obsessive need to be on Obesityhelp.com and LJ" count as a restriction? LOL
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried?
Weigh****chers, Deal a meal, metabolife, Slim fast, "Shapedown" program for fat teens, Bulemia, Working out and eating less, Therapy, nutritionist visits and others.
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery?
Hold on - it can be a bumpy ride.
Get a support group in real life.
Get a therapist who specializes in eating disorders - one does not reach 400lbs (or 300) with a healthy relationship with food.
Be ready for everything to change.
13. Would you do it over again if you had to?
In a HEARTBEAT. I'd lay down and do it tomorrow if I had to.
Lap RNY 4/1/04
Dr Drew Minneapolis

1. What made you decide to have the surgery?
*It seemed the *in* thing to do!
Well, not really, but I saw this vision of myself at 45-50 years old and decided I *really* didn't wanna go there. I knew I'd be big forever.... if I didn't do something DRASTIC!
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
*A wee bit... my MIL was terrified, because DH & I were both going for it.... she's made a choice now to apply to do it herself!
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery?
*Over 300 lbs.... I don't know how high I really ever got, because I avoided scales... the one time I looked, I was 313 and I logged it into my www.slimfast.com journal... because I was doing that plan....
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame?
*157 lbs lost in less than a year, and 142 in NINE MONTHS!
I've lost MORE than I weigh now?!!??! It finally happened!!
5. Was it painful?
*Ehh... childbirth hurt more.
6. Was it emotionally painful?
*At first. I wanted to watch Food TV and cry.
7. How has having the surgery helped you?
*Short answer- I'm ALIVE and living.
8. How has having the surgery hurt you?
*It may effect my marriage, unsure at this point....
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery?
*Fall/Spring of 2004... six months total before....
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine?
*Not a damn thing!
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried?
HA! Atkins, Slimfast, That poop medicine, WW...
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery?
*Do it!! Be warned!! Be READY!!
13. Would you do it over again if you had to?
You had to ask?
-157 lbs, CW 156!?! Over 50% off now!

1. What made you decide to have the surgery?
My mom died at 50 of a heart attack, I already had a heart condition, I was miserable with various aches and pains, and decided be miserable for 10 more years and then die or try to do something to change.
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
No one really close to me, some people I worked with who were also obese.
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery?
About 317 and got up to 340 by the day of surgery.
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame?
I've lost 141 pounds in 9 months.
5. Was it painful?
Yes, very and I got pulmonary embolisum, which was very scary.
6. Was it emotionally painful?
The only emotional pain was the pulmonary embolisum, when I went to the ER and they said if I made it through the next 24 hours I would probably survice, I started sobbing and they had to give me a big shot of valium. It was very scary.
7. How has having the surgery helped you?
More ways than I can count, less pain, I'm more active, more self-confident, confidence to look for a new job, go on a date, a lot less depression and more energy.
8. How has having the surgery hurt you?
No ways I can think of besides ugly hanging skin.
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery?
I sent the application in, in July and had surgery in April of the following year.
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine?
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried?
All of them.
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery?
It's the best thing I ever did.
13. Would you do it over again if you had to?
WLS Questions
1. What made you decide to have the surgery?
My mom (who lives with my family) suddenly "came down" with Type II diabetes, at the same time I was in a training class where the trainer had WLS and I was gaining back the 40lbs that I had lost on Weigh****chers. I was heavier than my mother had been at my age and knew that if I didn't get the weight under control that I would have diabetes before I was 40. Watching her struggle with her vision all messed up, twice daily insulin injections, legs a mess, etc...I knew that I didn't want that and I wanted to live for my kids.
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
At first my mother tried to talk me out of it. She was so concerned that she started doing research....and then decided to have the surgery herself.
I didn't tell many other people, when my mom told my brother and his wife (both M.O.) they tried to talk her out of it so I just kept the news to myself and immediate family.
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery?
My weigh in about 2 weeks before surgery was at 278.8lbs...I may have gained a touch more before surgery. 280 lbs is my highest recorded weight.
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame?
I've lost 108.8lbs in 8.5 months.
5. Was it painful?
Immediately after surgery when the nurses made me move myself from the stretcher to my bed I thought that I was going to die. For the first few days I felt like I'd been punched repeatedly in my gut by a boxing heavy-weight but after the first few days the recovery was no worse than from my c-section.
6. Was it emotionally painful?
For the first few weeks it was a tough transition. For that first week I was crying and wondering what I'd done to myself. I wanted my comfort food because I didn't have any other tools. But that passed within 4-6 weeks.
Now it can be hard to adjust to the outward changes. Some days I feel like a "hot chick" and other days I feel like a saggy, baggy old mom. I'm not sure which is the truth. Probably somewhere in between and it varies depending on what I do with myself. LOL
7. How has having the surgery helped you?
I have more energy and hope than I've had in a long, long time - possibly than ever. I'm in college and still taking care of my family and not collapsing every night. I am more ambitious both personally and professionally. I'm not embarassed to leave my house and can foresee my personal life getting better and better.
8. How has having the surgery hurt you?
Hmmm....lost some hair? LOL It's growing back. I can't really think of any "hurt" at this point. Just lots of adjustments.
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery?
I was very fortunate. I started seriously researching the surgery in January of 2004 and had my surgery in mid-April of that year.
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine?
None at all. I can go places and fit in spaces and seats that I couldn't have before. I'm more comfortable around strangers and I'm a better mother and wife than I was before.
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried?
Hmm, pretty much everything. Several kinds of doctor supervised weight loss, phentermine (3x's), Nutri-System, Weigh****chers, Atkins, Weigh Down Diet, Curves for Women exercise and counting calories on Fitday, etc...
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery?
Do your research, find a surgeon with a lot of experience and a good track record, then don't take "no" for an answer.
13. Would you do it over again if you had to?
Hi Lara!
WLS Questions
1. What made you decide to have the surgery? That a tough one to sum up...but mostly it was my rapidly declining health (cpap and HBP) and then my brother had a stroke at 48...that was the final straw!
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
Ha! the only person that tried to talk me out of it was my local grocery store manager. He told me I didn't look "that bad" and he would date me! I said, "I don't know if my husband would allow that?" but I thought to myself, "I wouldn't date you fat or thin...yuck"
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery? 215lbs (but by the time I had surgery (2 years later) I was 239.
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame? Not sure...more than 80lbs in 8 months.
5. Was it painful? Not as much as I thought it would be. The thing that hurt the most was my back from laying on the little surgery table.
6. Was it emotionally painful? I moarned food a bit...but got over it quickly when the weight started dropping off.
7. How has having the surgery helped you? Another tough one to sum up. I have my life back!
8. How has having the surgery hurt you? I have forever altered what God gave me. The possible ramifications of that have yet to be seen, but it still freaks me out.
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery? 1 year 4 months.
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine? Can't eat bread, tortillas, milk and can't drink fast.
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried? Everything! Even ran a full marathon (26.2miles) and several 1/2.
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery? It is a personal choice. You are literally risking you life, is it worth it?
13. Would you do it over again if you had to? Over an over again. I feel so blessed!
1. What made you decide to have the surgery? Several things all sort of came together at once. First, i was a new mom and totally exhausted trying to keep up with her. I also realized that I wasnt doing all the things that I wanted to be doing as a new mommy, simply because I couldnt and, I also realized that I wasnt in any of the pictures that we had been taking of her because I didnt want to be photographed. i started thinking about all the things that I was going to be missing out on in her life and I really wanted to be an active part of her life, not jus****ching from the side. Plus I didnt want her ever to be ashamed or embarrased to be around me or be teased by other kids because her mommy was fat. The second thing was that my health was starting to deteriorate...I had high blood pressure that wasnt being controled by meds, I was on a CPAP and I was starting to hurt when i walked. I threw my back out 3 times in one year and also broke my ankle. I could see myself someday being confined to a wheelchair because it would hurt too much to walk...and again i didnt want that for my daughter. And then the last thing to really bring it home was a friend of mine passed away, he was in his early 40s and probably weighed..i would guess 550ish. He died suddenly of a heart attack and that scared the crap out of me, I knew I needed to do something that had the chance of really working.
2. Did anyone try and talk you out of it? How did you respond?
I had another overweight friend that wasnt happy about it...he had know someone who had WLS 20yrs ago and they were miserable, etc...I didnt hear from them until a few weeks after my surgery, now they are happy for me. I listened to thier concerns, but it didnt change my mind.
3. How much did you weigh when you decided to have the surgery?
4. How much have you lost and in what time frame?
153 in 8mo
5. Was it painful?
The first couple days were quite uncomfortable...was wasnt in any major pain..just felt like I had been hit by a bus, achey...had good drugs
6. Was it emotionally painful?
Saying goodbye to my daughter the morning of surgery was hard. It was hard to actually make the decision to do it..the thought that I could die from it...but it hasnt been emotionally hard since.
7. How has having the surgery helped you?
So many ways, I cant even begin to say...I have a life, I am an active aprticipant in my daughter's life. i have hope of a long healthy life. i am not scared of dying because of my fat.
8. How has having the surgery hurt you?
Cant think of anything...
9. How long did you have to wait in order to have the surgery?
almost 1yr
10. What restrictions do you now have on your daily routine?
not a dang thing...only has lifted any restrictions I had before.
11. What alternate methods of weight loss have you tried?
weigh****chers, nutri systems, optifast, cambridge, starving myself, low fat, low carb, fit for life, several OTC diet pills and many others
12. What is the best bit of advice you could give to someone who is contemplating this surgery? Research...read all you can, talk to people, even read about the bad stuff, know what you are getting yourself into, be prepared for the major life changes and get into a real life support group...have some friends who have been there or are going through the same things with you.
13. Would you do it over again if you had to?
Absolutely, in a heart beat, without question, I would do it again right now, this minute if I had to.
So interesting to hear everyone's stories!!