Worst eating day since WLS!!!!!!!!
Hi yall... I don't post alot although I read messages daily... But today was the worst day for me..My friends little girl's birthday was today and she had a party. I went there with my kids...Oh my!! For breakfast today I had a half of a sausage biscuit from McDonalds..not a good idea, but I do that occasionally. Then I had a small portion (maybe half a cup) spaghetti for lunch..Then after school we went to the party. I had a small slice of pizza. Later on I had an average peice of cake with ice cream and chips. What was I thinking???? I've never been one to dump, but boy did I ever!!!! Thought I was dying... But once it subsided, I felt really hungry for some reason.. I had another 1/2 cup of spaghetti and later a fun size snickers bar...
Why did I do this to myself..Feeling so guilty now!!
On the flipside I did walk my mile today..
Please don't bash me...just wanted to vent and actually see all that I ate typed out.
345/223/?? (not weighed this week)!!!
Hi Amanda,
Don't beat yourself up, you made bad decisions...(everyone does) just know you did it.....and have a better day tomorrow....that's all you can do. this is not like every diet you've been on, one bad eating day doesn't blow the whole thing...this is a lifestyle change, and every now and then you eat not so good food choices...
258/148/who knows
ps: the only thing I see that's bad is the cake and icecream and chips....but that's because i stay away from sugar...and even i've been know to have a couple of chips....
Just be glad your tool works--- and you dumped.... just imagine if you didn't... and you ate like this again... and again, because if you knew you could get away with it, you'd push the limits.......right? I know I would... and I have... that's why I can't be trusted!
Tommorrow is a new day!
Got some good protein food in the house? Purge your cabinets and start anew!
Good luck.

Amanda! HUGS!
It is not that bad! IF this is your worst day, I say congrats! I don't think any one of us hasn't had a day like this. If it isn't with the sweets, then it is carbs, fried, or something else we should stay away from! WHen my daughter had her 4th b-day, i took a swipe of the frosting off of the cake everytime Iwalked by...can you say I wore a rut in the floor in front of the cake?? LOL I even froze some and would suck on cakesicles for a week afterwards! I was only 2 months out! YIKES! Please, don't beat yourself up over it. It happened. It is over. Learn from it. Go on. You are dong great!
PS Did I mention my son is having his 2nd b-day this month? You'll probably see a post from me later re: his cake as well! LMAO!
Thanks guysl!! Maybe I had thought this was worse than it really is.. I had eaten cake before now, but usually only like 1-2 bites...And this was a whole peice...I have definately learned from this ordeal. Sweets used to be my main things preop. And now I am grateful that they don't call me name like they used to. I guess I was worried about becoming the old me.
Since I don't usually dump, it is normal to want to eat again once you feel better? I couldn't imagaine that I would be hungry after it, but I was for some strange reason?????
The hunger you feel after dumping is your bodies reaction to the sugar.... you fell into what I call the "carb induced coma"--- and your body went nuts dealing with the influx of sugars/carbs... and your blood sugar level crashed after the bad feelings passed, making you feel like you HAD to eat... This is why avoiding carbohydrates influences weight loss--- it stops the cravings FOR the carbs, and you eat less and less often..
The sugars/carbs make you hungry, simple as that. They give you an INSTANT source of energy, instead of using your bodies' fat cell stores to make energy. Proteins are hard to break down and will take longer... therefore you might not feel hungry as fast....
Did I make any sense?
I hope I did...

Your honesty just made me nauseous. :vomit: I've too done this with the @!#-%&$# frosting... walk by, take a lick.... wait... no dump? Do it again! But, almost every time, I have dumped after a few licks.... so now, FROSTING = COMA. It's a hard lesson learned! \
I've figured out that anything with hydrogenated oils or fake fats, lard, nasty sh*t, makes me sick as a dog.... guess what store-made frosting is made of?? Bluck.
Of course, a nice homemade whipped cream frosting doesn't make me AS sick,
............. or a homemade buttercream.... so it's not allowed!
NO CAKE IN ME HOUSE! NEVER! I've got three kids that are learning to deal with it.
Birthday cakes have been now limited to a good carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.... or a fruit torte-like thingie.... or, if I can convince the oldest, CHEESECAKE!
Beth ---- a bad bad bad mom!!
I really am nauseous, thanks!

Beth---yes that makes perfect sense. I rearly ever eat carbs except like fruits and veggies. So this was a major eye opener. Postop, cake had made me nauseous too, to even look at. But for some reason, this cake looked too damn good!!
Thanks Lara and Rachel-- I can say I did fall off the wagon yesterday. but I am back on today!! I don't want to ever do that again. I have noticed too that I am more hungry on days that I do not exercise. I read somewhere that is common.. So I'm taking my butt back to curves tomorrow. I haven't been this week, but I have walked!

No bash from me sweetie! Just huggles and support.
Thank god your tool kicked in and you know you can't do that stuff anymore without consequences.
We've all been there - eating something we KNOW is dicey, testing/hoping that it will not work. . .and when it does we get to enjoy the trauma we have caused. GOD KNOWS I've been there.
Learn from it and move on, don't beat yourself up over it anymore.
Good for you for being honest about it to yourself and to all of us - because I know for a fact this type of thing has happened to most of us at this point.

Hey Amanda, Geez girl don't beat youself up too much!
This was one day in your life to indulge. So today ... or as I like to say ...this moment is a new moment to decide to eat right. that's the beauty of this surgery. We can jump right back on the wagon...and even when we jump off, we can't get too far.
I hope you enjoyed what you ate! been along time since I've had cake...yum...now just move on!