I passed the physical!
Woo Hoo. It's official. I passed the physical and I'm moving to Louisville. The movers are coming on the 27th or 28th and my stuff will be delivered on the 31st. My sister will drive to Louisville and help me unpack and friends are helping me pack. I get to resign my crappy job that I hate, tomorrow, Yeah! I'm getting a 20% raise, Yeah! I'll be doing something I enjoy, Yeah! This is unbelievable and made possible in part by the confidence losing weight has given me and I couldn't have gotten through the surgery/losing weight part without all of your help! So thanks a bunch! I'm going to have a wonderful New Year!
Hi Ya Lara,
Sorry I haven't had time to respond to your nice replies to my post. Your awesome.
Thanks for your words of incouragement with My DH.
and s for your partner, Do the same.let her know just because your getting thinner that your love for her hasn't changed..I am sure she feels more confidant having you as a partner and being healthier and sexier by the day..
Good for you to be able to come out and talk about it.
..I am a person of No secrets.. I usually tell all..( to a certain point) unless asked a specific question..I think if someone has the balls to ask me a question they'd better be damn prepared for the answer! RIGHT?
Anyways.. sorry it took me so long to reply to ya.. and sorry Dianne for hijacking your post..I just had a few extra minutes to say thanks..
so I used my time wiesly..hee hee