Poll: New Year's Plans
DH and are going to a spa! I am so excited! It will take both our minds off of my upcoming surgery! I am so scared about it! But this week-end is just him and I and no thoughts of anything else bad! He has been my hero through all the complications this year!
He deserves this! I can't wait! Private hot tubs on our balcony and nothing but the beautiful mountians to look at!
Everyone have a wonderful time no matter what you do!

Fri night: the Kids are going to my parents over night!
Hubby and I are meeting up with friends and going out for an evening of dancing jusst going yo hang out and have a great time.
Sat: sleep late, then go pick up kids. Have ham and bean soup at my parents. thans about it.
Happy New Year! Hope everybody has a good time no matter what you do.