Poll: New Year's Plans
Hello Kids,
So what are you doing to celebrate the new year?
I'll go first:
Friday - Going to the Bell Museum for silent movies and munchies with Francesca and a couple we really like. Then after 12 we're going to my friend Amanda's house for the yearly house party.
Saturday - Going to a Women's Ball. We're hosting a table and i am SO excited about it. Luckily my Gala dress only needs minor adjustments to fit again (top part fits better now, and the bottom part just needs pinned in and it looks ok.
I am VERY excited for this new year's! Life is much more exciting now.
Huggles and best wishes to all,

Friday night- we may go out with my SIL and her boyfriend, if we have a babysitter, otherwise we'll just go to MIL's and hang out there with the kids for a while....not too late- they won't last... If we go out, I don't know what we'll do-- we haven't gone "out" for NY EVER.... we used to stay home and eat loads of Chinese food. :vomit:
Saturday we have a family belated Christmas Party, I'm making a quadruple batch of chili (half for this party.. and half for the one on Sunday)... I'm bringing chili, cornbread, sour cream, cheese & tortilla strips...also the last of the chocolate chip cookies I made (made these last night using up the rest of the ingredients), only 6 dozen left-
Sunday, another Christmas party, one that got cancelled due to the weather here last weekend.....
MONDAY, back to school! THANK GOODNESS! I'm about to send the kids out the door and shut it behind them! :-x

Friday - None for me yet...was crusing for a party
, but haven't found one. The Chinese Food idea really appeals to me though...haven't had any since surgery...except Egg Flower Soup.
Saturday - Major house cleaning...need to start the New Year out with a clean house.
Sunday - I am off to the Central Valley to go to my Aunt & Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary Renewal of their vows ceremony.
Monday - I'm off to Beverly Hills for my check-up with *fingers crossed* I made it into the Century Club.

Well, my husband and I are spending a lovely evening at A' la Sofa, with a private screening of the ever popular El Cheapo Blockbustero. The children will be dining at Le Chateau de Pizza (avec beaucoup du Fromage). We are serving a rare 2004 vintage Sparkling Welch's Red for them, and they are thrilled! Hubby and I will be wrapping our lips around some exotic Patty d'une vache, most likely, with spicy pomme frites on the side (these are too exotic for my tastes, so I think I will pass on these)...
My husband told me this year he was going to make the sky light up, just for me! Was I ever excited.....until he brought out the July fourth leftovers...sigh...I knew ot was too good to be true!!!
On Saturday, I will be doing the ever feminine task of the brake job. Yep, I am destined to be slathered in grease (it only sounds good, ladies), changing my brake pads...sigh..
Have a great NYE!!!!