Back on the wagon?
Really? I am afraid of milk, except for the small amt. I put in my coffee. I am not supposed to have any carbs (shhh..don't tell on me!) Also, I don't know if I can do warm for's a whole temperature thing...I can either do realllllly cold, or reallllly hot. Lukewarm upsets my pouch...Is there a warm milk patch?

I don't know if I fell off. . .snacked my way off. . .or what. . but Christmas day I ate an amazing amount of food!
I tell you some days I can eat just about anything I want and others I can't touch anything even close to tasty.
My sins:
Company Hashbrowns (cheesy, creme cheesy, cornflake crusted hash brown potatos. . . .OMG YUM!)
SF Cheesecake with EXTRA whipped creme from Cheesecake factory - only 6 carbs but as a dinner that = sin.
Tamales - fried in lard - OMG the flavor was OUT OF THIS WORLD.
Steak, mashed potatos and peas - this one wasn't a sin - but I ate an entire 3 oz steak, 1/2 cup of mashed potatos and 1/4 cup of peas. I've never eaten this much as a postop.
1 pear, 1 apple and a bag of microwave popcorn - this one was a sin not because of what it was, but because of why it was - everyone around me was eating apple and french silk pie - and it wasn't my house so they were full sugar version. . .and I got pouty and ate fruit and carb that I could get away with - graze graze graze. I'm glad I didn't eat the straight up sugar - but am pissed that I swapped tactics.
Proof the pouch still works:
Almond and Cashew chicken from PF Changs - Floatin Jelly Fish*hurl* didn't agree with me. Thank god - I was getting worried that I had lost my pouch sensitivity to grease again, it was just temporarily suspended. *phew* I can't be trusted with a relaxed tool. If you can't figure out why see above post.
I am making a committment that I will be less snacky and get more in at mealtimes (since now apparently I have a pouch the size of the grand canyon). I will also be better about my water. . .I need to run go get some water to start drinking today - I've only gotten in 16 oz so far today. I also need to start doing my yoga tapes 3 times a week. These are my committments to kickstart my process.
(PS - I've been playing with the same 4 lbs for the past 3 weeks . . .and its sposed to be my losing week. . . and I'm not losing. . . .couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the graze fest I've been having could it? . . . .certainly not. . . you are a BEAST for suggesting such vulgarity!)
- trying not to be.
400+/355/208-esque/goal of 190

I defenitely fell off a little, but I'm back on. Luckily it didn't affect my weight loss because I have increased my protien so much this month and I've never had a problem getting my water in. I've lost 13 pounds this month which is up from only 7 last month and the months not over. I'm hoping I will loose three more and get under 200 by the end of the year. That would be a nice way to start the new year. I had my pre-employment physical today and I have a history of so many health problems and an abnormal EKG they want a letter from my doctor stating none of that will interfere with my ability to do the job. Please keep me in your prayers. This is a very nerve wracking process. I think it will all work out. Thanks.
PS. I have now lost 70% of my excess body weight!
I think I just dragged my foot off the back of the wagon. I snacked and I thought I snacked a lot. I even stopped at the Jelly Belly Factory and got some SF Belly Flops...yum. However, my clothes are looser...I am pretty sure I need to get a smaller shoe...again.
I'm refusing to weigh myself until Saturday...I have my fingers crossed that I will make it to the century club by then. I am now back snack foods in the house and no leftovers; however, the SF belly flops are on my desk at work.
I'm going to protein load and keep my water up (120 oz per day), plus get my tukis to Curves.
343/330/??? still trying to make Century Club/128