Hi all I can't belive it has been 8 1/2 months since surgery and I weighted this morning and here I am weighting in at 149!! That is 1 lb below my goal
My friends keep telling me i'm getting to small, but I just keep saying "my Dr says I'm doing fine, and in 3 months we will work on maintance"
I don't think I've ever weighted so little...what a Christmas presant to myself huh?
Just thought I'd share, thanks for listening.
258/149 (1 lb below goal)/who knows

Thanks Dianne!
I'm 5'7" I never thought I would weight so little!
My hubby got me some size 10 Harley Davidson jeans and I was holding them up saying "I'm never going to fit into these....they are so small!"
and i'm sitting here in my new Harly Davidson jeans writing this reply
to be honest I had a goal of 150, now I've decided that where I stop is what I will weigh....
Merry Christmas