I'm about 8 months out. Happy with my 76 pound loss so far! The past week or so I've been really struggling with nausea. I have a call in to the office, but wondering if anyone else is dealing with this. I feel this way if I don't eat. I get even worse if I do eat. Doesn't seem to matter what it is. Don't feel stuck or over full or any of that, just nauseated. I have been trying lemon and/or mint tea and that seems to settle me temporarily, about ten minutes after finishing my tea I'm ill again. This is just gross.
LOL...It is a good thing you clarified that, as that is the first thing that popped into my mind...
I don't have any advice to give you, but I do hope you feel better soon!!! Have you been exposed to someone with the flu or anything like that? Are you having any other icky symptoms, ie. runny nose, headaches, stuffiness, etc....??
Hey Tina,
How are your fluids going in? Do you get full 64 oz every day? Are you working out or drinking anything with caffine that would make you need more?
I'd want to go see my primary for some bloodwork - just to be sure that your levels are going ok.
Are you taking your daily multivite? I wonder if you're deficiant in some mineral or vitamin. . . .
Hoping for the best, and I'm glad it's just nausea not the full on - no food for you pouch nazi I am sometimes blessed to be the owner of.