Artificial sweetners? (also on main and TX...)
Hi! I have a question (duh, Janice...) How much Splenda is too much? I ask b/c I am finding that I am consuming an awful lot of the stuff lately. My liquid intake is wonderful (120 oz or so a day), but the majority of it contains Splenda. I drink a pot of decaf in the AM, with either Torani SF Syrups (nectar of the gods, ya know...their Almond Roca is FAB!) or Splenda, about 2 QTs of Crystal Light (I think this is Aspatame, not Splenda), and Iced Tea with Splenda, and hot tea at night with Splenda. Am I doing damage, whether it be physically ODing on artificial sweetners or causing cravings? I don't think I am craving carbs (any more or less than usual)....
Any advice??? Is there a Splenda patch???
346/310/188/160 I am at a Splenda to blame??
I figure all liquids I can get in are a good thing!!!
IF you are concerned about your Splenda intake, trying cutting it by a third for each thing you add it to! If you add a teaspoon to tea, try using less and less, pretty soon you may not even need it.
The only thing I drink is my protein shakes and crystal lite. Either the lemonades or ruby red grapefruit. For some reason I dump on the cl ice tea...odd. Any way, Try cutting back on the added sweetener! good luck!
If there is a patch, can you share!?!?
Every ounce of liquid I drink is also artificially sweetened. I'd like to eventually not use ANY. I've heard it can trigger cravings, stop weight loss, among other things... Not only that, I'm sure to be a lab rat for cancer with all of these chemicals in my system.