Small WOW Moment
Yesterday I had to attend a meeting representing my boss and our division. I have worked in this division for five years, attended a variety of office functions, including our Directorate Christmas party last week.
Well, as the meeting proceeded unbeknownst to me a secretary called the office saying no one had showed up from our co-worker told them that I had left for the meeting...maybe I got lost.
Finally, they got to the slide were I would have to answer some questions and the Deputy said "I don't see Dr. Sxxxx" (my boss) and I raise my hand and say "I'm here to represent our division." Then a clerk over in the corner says "There is no representative from that Division here." Again, I wave my arm and say "I'm here." Answer questions and the meeting moves on.
Meanwhile, my co-worker calls back to the secretary wondering if I ever showed up and the secretary relates back "Oh yes, she is here...we just didn't recognize her...she has lost so much weight."
I may be a little sad over not making it into the Century Club yet, but how can I not be dancing when people who have worked with me for years don't recognize me.
Happy Holidays,