Following another plan?
Hi Beth! I've considered trying to get on to a plan, and I will if I have trouble maintianing. But I'm really trying to use this 'honeymoon' period to learn how to eat like a 'normal' person. In moderation. I'm hoping that I can do that because I don't want to get my head into the 'diet' game again. I'm afraid I'll feel like I'm depriving myself, which for me always ended in binge eating.
So that's my story right now...ask me again in a few months, because my answer could change depending on how I'm doing

To me binging is my grazing, since I can't physically binge,
... So when I start wanting a Hershey's Kiss every 20 minutes, that's the binge. I should NOT know that I can handle it...and I do... so I need to stop it now...
Someday I'll fly, Someday I'll soar, Someday I'll be so damn much more than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer
SW 298 /CW 160/GW 126 and HOT!
My new journal:

Thanks - I know the issues with low-carb - I just wanted to eat cheese and high fat, low-carb snacks. Plus I felt like crap.
I know you probably don't want to hear this but running will take the fat off like crazy. I hate it - every step of it but I'm training for a half-marathon and I've gone from a size 10 to an easy size 6 in the last 4 weeks. I could not run at all when I started - now I make 4 miles by running 2 mins and walking 2 mins. Anyway .. just give it a try.
About WW. I go to the class. I figure I need as much help as possible.
I haven't told anybody about the surgery. I figure it's my business. I'm there just like they are to take off weight and manage my calories - it's just maybe a little easier for me? I've thought about it but I think I'll just keep it to myself and be proud of the 27 lbs I'll lose there. Plus, like you said ... I don't want to get kicked out.
I pay the $13/week. It's worth it just to be there and be successful. It also keeps me off the scale the rest of the week. What's up with paying for support group - that's ridiculous!
I track my food with the little paper weekly tracker. At first, I tried to track online (I used to use fitday.) But, my job keeps me on the road or in meetings so I can't get to it very often. The little paper tracker goes with me EVERYWHERE. I write down everything I eat and take the points for it. It's just easier - plus I like to write it down right before I eat it so I'm accountable for it or just after I eat it so I know what I'm doing.
I'm serious about not eating enough. You might not want to hear this so you can just skip it but I figured out your food points from the first post here. Carb Countdown Smoothie - 2 points; smart ones lc meal - guess 5 points; smart ones lc meal - guess 5 points. That's only 10 points. This is what I ate today:
LS oatmeal - 2
Snack 1:
1/2 protein bar - 1.5
1/2c chicken salad - 3
4 tortilla chips - 1.5
3/4 tortilla - 1.5
1/2 c. southwest cole slaw - 2
Snack 2:
yogurt - 2
4 ls graham crackers - 2
1 bisquit - 3
1 hard boiled egg - 2
cantelope - 1
that's 21 points and I haven't had another snack which will probably be 2 points for hot chocolate b/c I have to work on getting calcium.
I wish you a ton of luck. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hi Beth
Funny you should mention this because my hubby and I are joining WW after Christmas. I need help balancing my diet and keeping track to lose these last pounds. My hubby has about 100 pounds to lose.
I know this sounds bad but I know a girl who did this... Go there and set your goal as high as they will allow. Once you hit it and as long as you stay below you're a lifetime member and you won't have to pay. But you can still keep going and losing. Boy that really sounds like cheating but I guess I am going to do it.
Hi Beth,
I know this is an old post, but I thought I would answer it anyway.
I have been doing weigh****chers on line which is ok..(alot of good recipes). but that's about it.
I have also been going to meetings I figured I could learn something and get support. Maybe learn how to avoid situations that i'm unprepared for. Ones that cause me to make bad food choices. (I am also doing it to support a dear friend who is struggling in loosing weight)
I talked to my Dr. and he said it was all right. He said it was a pretty basic program and that We (those that have had to go through all the hoops to have this surgery) know SO much more than the basics. but if you wanted to follow the program and addapt it to your dietary needs it would be fine. but then if you eat more protien it will be higher in points and you will probably go over, but we need to get our protien in first...
my Dr. was also saying that things higher in carbs (lower in points) cause us to be more hungry throught out the day and will cause us to snack etc.
I think it's a ittle hard to follow with our dietary needs, but the support on how to make good food choices is worth it.
(hope his makes sence!)
258/150/....who knows