How is everyone
I am down 94 lbs to 104...I am in 14's with room to spare. I too have had to stop the shopping....I love clothes and have been logging a lot of mall miles.
I have not gotten in as much exercise as I more night-time is freezing here....but I have been making sure to get more daytime walking in at work as well and whenever at the mall, I ALWAYS power walk the entire way.
I want to get down another 44 lbs, to 150...when I weighed 150, I am in a size 7/9.....I can live with that....LOL
Doing fine, hairloss has slowed and almost stopped...I have lots of regrowth coming in. New eating habits are just that...habits...I have NOT one negative experience regarding WLS.
Best to All!!
Sounds like everyone is doing wonderful!! All the new post op current pics are fabulous...I wish I could get my pics to come up at all. As of today's weigh in I am down 156 pounds to 190.
I am beginning to wonder if the weight loss is going to stop.
My family keeps commenting that I am wasting away, although I do not see it.
Still having a rough time eating much of anything but turkey sandwiches. I have gotten to the point where I hate everything I used to eat, due to only being able to eat that, ie. soup, mashed potatoes. I would do it again in a heatbeat, just wish I could have my plastics done now. We will be switching insurance in Jan, and i don't believe the new company will cover it. Ah well!!