How is everyone

on 12/7/04 4:45 am - Louisville, KY
Janice, The weather sounds wonderful. It's cold and rainy here in St. Louis. I'm jealous. Dianne
Just Janice
on 12/7/04 1:24 pm - Houston, TX
I heard about your weather there. My mother, who bu the way is over 2 yrs out from her RNY by DeLaTorre, called this evening. She had to fly in that stuff in from NY this afternoon...Ick! Janice (sending sunny, warm vibes to everyone!)
(deactivated member)
on 12/7/04 9:28 am - South of Boston, MA
Hi Dianne- I'm in my non-plateau week of the month, my monthly visitor comes and takes a few pounds with her, never fails! I lost two lbs. in the past couple of days. I also haven't been faithfully logging my food, go figure! Beth HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 163 GW- 126
on 12/7/04 12:27 pm - Louisville, KY
Congratulations on the pounds lost, I'm still in my plataue. I went and bought some Atkins Protient bars and granola bars and some flax seed snack that is high protien. I can't find girlfriends booty's. I also got some soy nuts. Dianne
on 12/7/04 10:13 pm - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Hi Dianne, Hope your plateu breaks soon. I'm not sure were I am weight wise (somewhere between 160 and 163 I'd imagine). I did just get into a pair of size 10 pants that have been waiting for me. I went to a party in October and bought these pants in 14's. I knew they wouldn't fit for too long so I went back and bought the 10's for the 'future'. Who new the future would come less than 2 months later! I actually had no inclination that I could get in a 10, but when I went to put the 14's on, they literally slid off my hips (wow)! So I tried the tens...and there you have it. Sorry to ramble on...but I never, ever thought I get down to a ten! Ta, Rachel
on 12/7/04 11:08 pm - Twin Cities, MN
you hottie! Congrats on the 10 Huggles, ~Lara
on 12/7/04 11:51 pm - Louisville, KY
Rachel, Congratulations on the size 10. That's awesome! Dianne
on 12/8/04 4:31 am - Richardson, TX
10???!!!! HA! I was BORN bigger than a 10!! (just kidding). Congratulations!! Ronda
on 12/7/04 11:18 pm - SOUTHERN, AL
Hi Dianne, Well I'm down to 171(35) I started at 250(50 bmi) Now I am just obese not morbidly obese I'm in 10's and 12's started out in 22's and 24's. Still need to lose about another 40 lbs to get a normal bmi(it's tough because I am only 4'11")Have not had time to excersise I'm hoping that after the holidays everything will get back to normal. Jo Ann
on 12/7/04 11:54 pm - Louisville, KY
Jo Ann, Congratultions on size 10/12, that's great. I know what you mean about the exercise, I still struggle with that. Good luck. Dianne
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