How is everyone
I finally broke 200!!! I weighed in at 199.0 this morning!!!! I didn't think I'd ever see a "1"!!!!!!!!
I've lost 75 pounds so far, not as much as I'd hoped, but still a substantial amount!
I've been doing much better with liquids and exercise, I'm sure thats how I dropped three pounds in the last week. I had been playing with the same 2 pounds up and down for over a month!
Hi Dianne,
I am in the middle of my monthly 2-3 week pause in losing - happens every month. I am glad it's here, to tell the truth, because I get freaked out that I won't stop losing sometimes. (Grass is always greener right?)
So I am happily stuck at 212 for the past week. (I actually "gained" a lb according to the scale this morning. . .but I don't count that because I'm a brat like that - LB=lying *******) And I'll probably be stuck here for the next 7-14 more days.
I angeled for someone yesterday. I ended up being in the hospital with her from 6am to 9pm. Everything went perfect. She is a trooper. Stayed so long because we were having such fun. I've never met someone who was such a rockstar post-op. She's much more awake/alert/amazing than I was.
Relationship is a day by day thing right now. We're trying to make it, but we aren't labeling things or stressing each other out right now. It is nice for the breathing room to be honest. We're not "girlfriends" but we talk every day, and are monogamous. So the breathing room is mostly mental in nature.
Love is complicated, but feeling a bit better these days.
I need to stop buying clothing - even at discount prices I am breaking the budget. Time to curb my shopping bindge. No clothing until after Jan 1st.
I am sitting at my Second Goal weight (my very achieveable goal weights). I am going to the body analyst on Dec 17th to get my next goal weight. I am positive that I've lost muscle mass, but I am not too worried that I am getting overly small. In this moment that thought doesn't bug me. . .for about the first time ever.
Gradschool update - entrance exams=taken. Letters of Recc - one is turned in, 3 more on the way. Entrance Essay - still sucks, outline started. Working on that essay is my priority at this time. I have orientation for the post bacc classes tomorrow night.
Head work - have a therapy appt tonight, and support group tonight. I'll crunch on that for awhile.
Best wishes to you hot mama - how's the life of a swingin Catholic Single?

I'm still here! The weather here in Houston is wonderful...sunny and 65 degrees! I've already walked 4 miles this am, and am wanting to walk more when the little one gets out of pre-k. I am hoping all of the activity will undo the knot I put myself in from last night's bout with yoga...I feel like a pretzel
I hope my note finds everyone well!