How to stop somebody elses' plateau & huge vent, beware!

No flaming here. I know exactly how you feel. Here is my suggestion: put the scale and tape measure away. Relax, eat whatever you want for a week, try not to think about your weight. Did I mention stay off the scale? Stress only adds to the problem. Then go back to your normal routine and after a week of that get back on the scale. I was stuck at 165 for almost three weeks. I just lost 7 pounds. It goes in spurts. It seems the longer I stay on a plateau, the more I lose when I start going again. Remember we are not even eight months out. We've got time.
One other thing eating too little and exercing too much can make the problem worse.
As far as the sagging. I have got it too. There is only one spot that really bothers me and I am seeing a plastic surgeon next week. I am hoping for a hernia repair and tuck at the same time. We'll see.
I hope things get moving again for you really soon.
The liquid intake is sooo important, as I found out today...
As for the skin...go hang gliding with the batwings, swimming with the water wings stuffed under your arms (formally known as boobs), let the little one poke at your tummy and laugh (my 2 year old thinks it is hilarious the way my belly has a mind of its own...
, and when your thighs slap, think it of your body's way of applauding its own success....
You are doing wonderfully!!!

I'm sorry you're frustrated right now. I have hit my first plateau, I gained a pound on the 1st and haven't lost it yet. I'm trying not to worry. One thing that helps me is knowing we are all basically going through the same thing. The other this is going to the Gallery/Weight loss planner and checking to see where I "should" be. For me if I want to loose 90% of my weight, I'm exactly on track. I imagine you are on track or above where you should be. At my last Dr's. appointment he told me in no uncertain terms to expect it to take me a year to loose the rest of my weight. 65 pounds. Now I no you have less to loose so It shouldn't take you as long, but the expected weight loss at this point really is supposed to slow down. Try to hang in there. You are a beautiful woman and when you get to the right weight you can have plastic surgery. It will all be ok in the end. Also, try and remember that very few women are perfect. Sorry if I'm too preachy. I'm sure if this plateau keeps up It will be me upset very soon.
Hi Beth,
First ((((((((((((((big hugs))))))))))))))! I wish I had some great advice, but honestly you are right where I am right now and you've done a lot better than me!
Not that I'm complaining. Shoot, I'd be happy even if I didn't loose another pound. I'm no longer trapped by my food demons (unless I'm pmsing), or held down by my comorbids and weight. I like wearing a 12 and never thought I would again. And as far as my sag...granted its not that bad...but I figure I used to fit into this skin and now I don't...
...but this isn't about it.
As far as exercise goes, its tough with 4 wee ones around. When i was training for my marathon, I'd run at 9pm after i tucked everyone into bed. Now I'm a member at the YMCA, and they have childcare for 2 bucks an hour. Its a good break for me too!
Other than that, I don't really have anything to say other than I think you are doing tremendously great and I'm sorry that you are frustrated, but I doubt that you (or I) are done losing. We're just slowing down a bit. Look at it as time to let our skin catch up!
Marathon?!? Wow!
I tried the Y *again* (about a month ago),
but my youngest will not, adamantly, flat out, refuses to stay in the child care. :angry: My middle child loves it there, and the oldest is too old to go in it! So, that's a no go right now. I am thinking my best bet might be to invest in a treadmill for my house. Since I like to walk, and would be more comfy doing it privately, that's a good option. I think right after Christmas I might be able to swing it.
Other than that, it's gotta be getting up at the butt crack of dawn and doing a TV exercise show in the basement playroom (where I can be active and not wake everyone up...) or a VERY early walk, since I'm on duty at 6:30am....