TGIF- so what did you eat today?
1 oz ham
All-in-one Dexatrim Lemon Protein Bar (dumped slightly on sugar alcohols.
) Won't use these again!
2 oz meatloaf (low carb "bread" crumbs, egg, cheese, seasonings)
Steamed broccoli
1 Barry's Bakery French Twist (60 cals 4 sugars)
Small nonfat sugar free latte
Coffee/1/2 & 1/2/=
Calories 520
Fat 24
Carbs 36
Protein 43
I need another meal to hit my protein goal, so I might have a bowl of Keto Cocoa Crisp (22G protein) with 4 oz skim milk (4G protein) or ham rolled up with sprouts.... I dunno

I was a bad girl today
B - nothing
snack - banana Peanut Butter protein drink
L - Bennigans with a girlfriend --- we split the 12 oz Ribeye, green beans and baked potato.
snack - almonds, sunflower seeds (too many - didn't measure)
haven't had dinner yet. I think I'm just going to have a protein drink since I'm already at about 1000 calories for the day!

I was a bad girl today
B - nothing
snack - banana Peanut Butter protein drink
L - Bennigans with a girlfriend --- we split the 12 oz Ribeye, green beans and baked potato.
snack - almonds, sunflower seeds (too many - didn't measure)
haven't had dinner yet. I think I'm just going to have a protein drink since I'm already at about 1000 calories for the day!

Oh today was a good day:
B = Atkins Protein Drink
L = 3/4c Turkey Potpie filling
S = 1sl Cheese
D = 3/4c Turkey Potpie filling
S = 1c Hot Chocolate (No Sugar Added Swiss Miss)
Calories: 655
Fat: 26
Carbs: 47
Protein: 60
I have gotten in 60oz of Water so far...and drinking another 24oz now. Plus as small as it is I dropped a whole pound this morning...woohoo!

B - protien shake
S - 10 pistachio nuts
L - Lean cuisine (top of a pizza, didn't eat the crust just the cheese)
S - 1/2 banana
D - 4 pretzels and 2 pieces cheese (spread out too far)
Beth, where do you get all your protien goodies, I've had trouble find a lot of the things you get at the grocery store. Do you go to a speciality store?