Well. . .It's over
Hi gang,
She couldn't get over it. My partner and I are split up. I'm sad(to my soul sad), but mostly I'm disappointed. She just couldn't be who I needed her to be. She was made aware of the growth opportunities she had within her - and just couldn't do them with me by her side. I was willing to stand beside her, but she just can't be the woman I need her to be - the woman worthy of being beside me as my friend and partner.
I've cried, I've mourned, I've gotten a tatoo. (I had planned to get it anyway for over a year and a half, it just kind of moved up the timing. . .since I had the money I had saved for her xmas presents burning a hole in my pocket). I'm going to be alright. It just really sucks right now.
I am still grateful that I chose this path - for I feel myself growing closer and closer to my true self. I am finding an amazing woman hiding under all this fat. And I really really love me!
Thanks for all your kindness, compassion and support. Know that my IRL friends are giving me all the hugs and shoulders to cry on that I could ever need.
With love,
I'm so sorry for your sadness. Breaking up is always so sad to the bone!
I'm also so proud of you! You are finding the true you and not compromising. There IS someone out there for you who is worthy. For now, concentrating on becoming all you can be is probably the best gift you could give yourself!
I can just feel your zest for life through your posts and your sense of humor is amazing!
Hang in there! There are great things waiting for you, girl! You ARE an amazing woman!
I'm sorry you are having to go through this right now. But I also agree with Rhonda. You seem like a really strong, courageous person who knows what they need and want and that is so important. There is nothing worse than being in a relationship that makes you (or tries to make you)feel bad about your self. Especially not after all the hard work you've done to feel better about yourself. Since I've gotten divorced 6 years ago, I've never felt the lonliness I felt when I was actually married. It was harder to be there for someone who wasn't really committed to the relationship than to be alone. (I have dated over the years - just so you don't think I'm an old spinster.) Anyway, hang in there, it will get easier each day. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.