Sunday- What are you eating today?
bfast: coffee bite of egg and cheese on english muffin (it wasnt working out so i stopped at one bite)
Lunch: 1/2 piece of meatloaf, squash & stuffing (few bites of each)
snack: sliver of pumpkin pie
dinner: egg and cheese crustless quiche
not nearly enough water, still struggling with that on a daily basis!!!
Much better today, so happy to say.
B - protien shake
L - small cheeseburger (McDonalds - no bun) 6 fries; coffee with cream
S - 10 cheez its
D - beef stroganoff, fruit, squash, 1/2 roll
S - 1 piece alpine lace cheese; coffee with cream
water 34 oz. (too low)
Not a bad day for me. I need to get my fruits and vegies up, and didn't do great on water today either