hi greg looks like we had our surguries the same date i have lost over 150 pounds i am doing great so far i havent had any problems yet to speak of how are you feeling so far any problems ? i have before and after pictures in my profile feel free to have a look
have a good day i am off to work
Hi Greg,
Ok, I'm very happy to say that I am doing well.
Since I am almost a month ahead of you (and most people here) being right on April 1st, I am actually almost 7 months out - so take this with a grain of salt.
I have lost - 125 lbs since my surgery, and 170 since the start of my process last June. I walk every day and am working on beginning running training 3 times a week on a cross trainer. I do additional sculpting exercises for my hind, arms and abs 1-2x a week. I can now run about 2 minutes without feeling like I'm going to die. My bp is down, my self esteem is up. I work very hard to maintain the rules of the pouch, and I find that as long as I do as I know I'm supposed to the weight takes care of itself (after 3 week long plateaus).
I used to wear size 56 men's jeans or women's 36 dresses. Today I'm in (for the first time) a size 16 skirt and a gap xl shirt. It feels great!
My losing is going slower now. I find that when I am keeping my water intake as it's supposed to be I lose better.
Anyway, that's me today.
Hi Greg, Thanks for the reminder. Got on the scale in honor of this occasion. I'm down 70lbs and 25 more to go!!
I'm still losing hair but have lots of little hairs growing in now...looks strange...I really need a hair cut!
My comorbids are still in check though my blood pressure is creeping up so I'm keeping a close eye on it.
I'm in a size 12 now (from 22-24). The 14's came and went fast! Looking forward to the tens. Dare I shoot for 9's?
I have some loose skin, but not too bad. My lower abs kinda look like a paper bag if I crunch my stomach together. and I have a little pouch of skin right near my armpit! This almost 40 year old will take it!
I have mostly good food days, but hunger and pms are back with a vengence. May go back to fitday.com to keep in in better check.
Thats me...can't wait to hear about you!
Ok..here goes.. I weighed 411 at time of first consult in February 2004. At the time of surgery I weighed 386.. April 27, 2004. today I weighed 240. total 171 pounds. I have gone from 62 pants to 44. 5x shirt to xl. 62 Portly suit to 50 reg... 24 dress shirt to 18. LOL..What a difference... and should I note that clothes are cheaper now!! I feel great.. walk everyday... my appetite is back and I have to fight that pretty good
I am so glad I had the surgery! It has been a life saving and a life giver to me! Just ask my wife!!
well let's hear your story!

Hi and Happy 6 month anniversary to us all! I am really happy to have had this surgery. It was a true life saver. 6 months ago I had stomach cancer. Today I am cancer free ( 9/10 of stomach removed) and plan to stay that way. Each day is a real blessing. I am really struggling with food right now, but I do a lot of praying and have found another walking buddy besides my DH, who, by the way, is the best support in the world!
I started at 281, dropped to 274 before surgery, and am now fluctuating between 215 to 218. I think I am afraid to get below the 200's, so I just have to psych myself into it that I deserve to be there!
I can eat a lot more than I could a month ago, and it really scares me!
How are you all handling that? Also, how are you handling drinking large quantities of water? Does that stretch our stomachs? Please advise.
Good luck to all of us, and God bless this message board and all *****ad and/or respond.

We're in the 6 month stretch - per my Dr. We can expect one more between 12-18 months out as well. It just feels huge to us because its like 100% more food that can go in. (it will be another large stomach size we'll bounce at a year. . .) He said its normal, and nothing to worry about. It's just part of the healing process.
Regarding large quantities of water - for me - ESPECIALLY when it's really cold water - I can feel it flowing out of the bottom of my pouch - I don't hold liquids in my pouch at all so the only problem I can run into is if I drink really cold liquids it makes my insides really cold too.
I have the same psych trauma about 200. It terrifies me. My current goal weight keeps me at a safe 212-213, however I am a fast loser and it makes me worry that I'm going to go below that. My body analyst said I could end up in the 180s. . .This boggles my mind. (I'm 6'3", so that would be REALLY small to me. . .but what do I know?) It's not just that I don't know if I deserve it (I hadn't contemplated that part) but more that I am uncomfortable with not having LARGEsize on my side. It feels safer to me to be a little larger than most people. Luckily at my height, I always will be.
Your story never ceases to inspire me. I am so glad that you found the cancer and had your procedure when you did!
Bless you too,

Boy; it sure blows my mind to see the range of weight loss for us all.....we sure do lose at different speeds. But men you know you are the fast losers. My surgery was April 12th, 2004 and I am down 70lbs.....but I was what was called a light weight I have 20lbs left to lose. When I was called a light weight I thought not me, 90lbs is not light weight. But I sure am glad to hear that I am not the only one who feels like the extra food is to much, sometimes I try and not eat as much because I don't want to over eat and make my pouch bigger. I really have a fear about gaining it back. So I make sure I exercise about four times a week to make up for eating the wrong thing or too much.
I had my surgery 4-6-04. Since the surgery I have lost 70 pounds. Before the surgery I lost 46 pounds so that's a total of 116 pounds. I have gone from a pants size 30/32 to a size 16 and a shirt size of 1x. My shoe size has gone from a wide to a normal width. I thank god for this surgery every day. I've gone from tv being my life to a very active social life. My son's friends parents have gone from totally ignoring me and pretending I wasn't there to coming up to me and holding conversations with me. I'm loving life!